For those who have been Neets for 5+ years, do you still have plans to change your life or have you given up completely? Being a NEET during a consistent amount of time can be really difficult to get a job later, especially if you never had a job or a education before, so i came here to ask that because it's basically the situation that i am right now. 2 17 replies
Keep being you. (Rant) Being a NEET is absolutely not pretty 100% of the time. However when I get to enjoy the benefits they bring, they help someone like myself immensely. This year is already shaping up to really illuminate just how dog shit and bullshit most jobs are. I also massively keep myself. "Le quirke lone wolf ecks dee", people may laugh.. but everyone wants a claw in your back for better or worse. Human nature. And I say not not even really in a doomer sense, or misanthropic sense. Jobs you... 3 1 replies
Personal NEET crisis I never graduated, though im supposed to this year. I stopped attending school around the 7th grade because of my internet addiction and now i have to settle for a ged. I know it isnt much of a difference to a diploma, or so I’ve been told, but it feels like a huge underachievement and i’ve never been able to convince myself otherwise. And i will admit, im not that bright nor ambitious, but I believe i can do better. I just have to get out of my shell,... 3 3 replies
Who here is actually on SSI? Who here is actually on the SSI program in the US? The SSI program is to give cash assistance for disabled people. The maximum SSI amount for a single person living alone in California is $1,206.94 per month (this varies by state.) And there is an assets cap of $2000 for an individual or $3000 for a married couple (with many assets exceptions.) How is your life on SSI? Are you living in horrible poverty or are you satisfied with what you receive? Do you make enough to rent... 3 5 replies
Life goes on A new year has begun but it’s the same old thing. Something has changed though, I’m in Atlanta now, having left NYC behind. I can only hope and pray that the next 30 years goes by quickly. Other than that it’s the same old thing. The Neets here doing nothing all day and just passing the time. I wish there was someway I could be Neet forever in NYC at my mom’s house with my room on the second floor but there isn’t a way. I’m in Atlanta now... 5 1 replies
I feel like I was born defective I don’t ever remember feeling energetic or full of life or whatever positive shit kids or teens are into, for some random fucking reason I have always been a pessimistic depressed husk of a person and I don’t ever see myself getting out of it. What’s the point of putting myself out there and getting better and grinding a career living paycheck to paycheck because you have to pay for your student loans to be just as depressed as you were, only now you have invested too much of... 4 6 replies
I hate this life I graduated high school back in 2019 and have been living as a NEET for the most part since then, and let me tell you I ABSOLUTELY DESPISE LIVING LIKE THIS. When I was envisioning my life five years post-graduation I wouldn't have ever wanted this,I tried to work as an apartment maintenance technician for a very brief time (one month in 2019, another month in 2021),but I was in such a bad mental state that I just ended up quitting. Since then I've spent most of my time... 1 3 replies
Are you a NEET that desperately wants a change? Try the job corps! (copying from another user) If you are in the US look into Job Corps As a homeless youth you would have top priority to a get a bed as soon as there are openings in your region. As a Federal program they are required to make reasonable accommodations for your disabilities like public schools would. They would house you, feed you, pay you a small stipend for clothing/personal items, and provide you basic medical, dental, and mental health services. Mostly they would offer education and job training. 3 3 replies
Being a “good girl” still lead me here I did everything I was supposed to do get good grade. Obeyed my parents. I don’t lie, cheat, or steal. I don’t smoke, drink, or swear. All I heard was I could make it somewhere. Or that I was smart. I was nice. Seen my mother struggle went off to do what ever. I’m in college off of a scholarship. Did what I was supposed to do. Worked 3 jobs. Helped paid rent. Got into a relationship at the appropriate age I was told I can. Spent time with... 4 4 replies
Only two types of people enjoy work. The brainwashed and the truly passionate. Most people are brainwashed into thinking hard work is “good” and virtuous and will lead them to great places. And once upon a time that was kinda true, at the end of the day even the boomers were trapped in an exploitative system. The truly passionate are very rare people that actually jump out of bed to perform their jobs. This can be medical practitioners with hearts of gold or tradesmen who are good at their craft. This will never be the average... 3 2 replies
“Autism is good because it makes you unique” I want to fucking strangle anyone who says this. Why don’t you try being autistic then if you think it’s so great and then consequently: -struggle with employment -get shamed/bullied/ostracized by normies just for existing -have frequent meltdowns that get seen as being a whiny spoiled brat throwing a tantrum -develop side effects of anxiety/depression due to living in a society that hates us I’m not denying that the different wiring in the brain can have benefits like ability to hyperfocus and better knowledge of niche topics, but in... 2 20 replies
What fun hobbies do you guys have? Im looking to start a hobby that isnt video games. Preferably a hobby that could benefit me but not necessary. On my free time I read and watch a lot of videos on philosophy mostly about Stoicism and I do a home bodyweight workout. Just looking to add some more hobbies to fill out the day. 4 17 replies
People on Facebook are unpleasant Not so sure if it was always this way but it doesn't feel good. I've had close connections on Facebook, but it was almost never someone I met on Facebook. We would just use messenger as a secure way of chatting. YouTube, Discord, third party wikis, and third party forums were and are the best for me to make authentic connections. 2 1 replies
life is great 12 inches in a sudden realization of feeling out of place around people, the presence I give off seems more crusty and dingy compared to the people around me. That I begin to resent my surroundings, same reason why I dropped out of school. I hated people around me even though they were nice as far as I could tell. Now I rot in my room marinating in my own unfulfilled restless ambitions as I try to fulfill them. But it gets mentally draining to do anything. Body dysmorphia is settling in... 5 0 replies
Maybe I am a sour puss but while struggling financially and I see this, instead of thinking good for them, I just lose it. 5 11 replies
Does anyone want change? Does anyone also hate living as a neet and want to change their lives for the better? I've been living with anxiety/depression on/off for the longest time and I feel scared to do even the simplest things in life. Although taking first step is not so easy I think. Anyway, does anyone have similar issues and wants a partner for support? Let me know if you're interested 1 3 replies