It's My spray bottle you cretin I'm a cleaner for my job which means I clean for a living. My cart is constantly tampered with by someone on morning shift wtf. Good thing I put nothing personal or valuable in it. Normies don't know boundaries or how to keep there hands on there own stuff bit gladly touch yours. This happened so many times to my spray bottle and even other things theyess and take stuff off my cart multiple times in a week. So guess what I did movedy cart to another floor, not... 3 0 replies
I am leaving NEET life I left my job 12 hours ago, I found another, so I am leaving NEET life. * Why are you people like this? Fucking unemployeds trying to fit in. You'll never understand how fucked up are NEETs trying to live any sort of crumbs of a normal life not being able to hold a job because of mental issues, relying on parents seeing them as a burden, knowing their destiny is homeless or dead. You're a fucking joke it's almost offensive to true neets. 4 8 replies
Are you a morning gamer or a night gamer? I find that having a nice cup of homemade coffee in the morning and getting a gaming session going I consider as productive for me 🎮☕️ I don't have enough energy to play beyond morning unlike my prime teen years 5 10 replies
photosynthesis is reactant 6h20 or 12h20 class 10 what according to you all is correct neet aspirants 3 0 replies
I'm mad I have been out of home cus I planned to hang out and eat somewhere but I didnt even get out of my car cus I was too anxious, seeing so many people on a friday 1 0 replies
My home page in reddit for this sub, neets are leaving this kind of life. Feels like some other neets here are leaving the NEET life, maybe it's a sign for me lol. But I'm too tired to get out of my bed😆🤣 5 3 replies
NEET 2026 in two phases? 2 jan 2025 court hearing suggests that it will be conducted in two phases 2 2 replies
Nothing I do will ever be enough I’m fucking trapped and tired and I don’t know what to do anymore I just don’t wanna feel like this anymore. I feel like shit. Everything I do is fucking worthless. A waste of time. A waste of space effort so god damn fucking worthless Cant be relatable cant be likeable just an annoyance just forgettable I cant even fucking spell as i type this everything just fucking sucks. I just wish I was a new person entirely. Such a waste of fucking flesh. Better used as fucking biofuel.... 4 3 replies
I will never be independent again at 33 years old What’s worse is I live trapped with my toxic mom in her tiny house in suburban Iowa, which is a soul sucking place for me. If I was living in a pool house in San Diego I could maybe cope with living in close proximity to my mother. But I get the most suffocating reality possible as a result of my struggles. And this suffocation will likely be lifelong. Decades even. I see people in their early 20s getting cushy jobs and when I was that age I couldn’t... 4 5 replies
What age did you peak at? I've no idea really I've always been terrible at everything if I had to pick one I'd say 17 when I graduated (20 now) 5 26 replies
Officially not a neet anymore. Loging in back to t Reddit and looking back on my recent posts, I remember I was once a neet. Its been 6 months since I have been unemployed. Im now a wagie. Been through ups and downs, discovered the land of the dark(society), and met assholes and nice people. Got the car that I want to drive. There are minutes that I miee being a neet, but looking back I remember I was the most miserable. Gained a lot of weight and been hitting the 45 lbs dumbbels.... 2 8 replies
Nearing 30 years old. Seeing high achievers in their 20s shocks me Whenever I see someone who has their shit together, like being independent, college educated with a good job, who has plenty of disposable income, social and romantic success and they reveal that they're still in their 20s it often gives me a jolt and stops me in my tracks. It's one of the few scenarios where I can't help but reflect on my age and how embarrassing my situation is in comparison. These hyper competent people to me seem amazing and completely alien at the same time, I just... 2 9 replies
Sick of normies using anxiety/loneliness as an aesthetic I see it so much on social media, normies that will make posts about how much it sucks to have social anxiety and in the next hour will post them chilling with their homies at a club or whatever The fact of the matter is that it’s hip to brand yourself as being quirky and anxious. It’s really a slap in the face to the people that are genuinely suffering from extreme loneliness and debilitating anxiety Of course loneliness isn’t a black and white issue, some lonely people have... 4 11 replies
As I'm leaving you, a parting shot Been basically a neet since I left my last job over a year ago. I know, barely a neet. But here's a parting shot as I settle into a new job. Embrace the challenge. Or not. Who cares. Do you. In the ends its up to you what you did with this life. Plus haven't told mother I have a new job (remote WFH). Probably still thinks I'm a neet. Makes for a fun social experiment. We had lots of fights before neetdom, during neetdom (because of neetdom) and... 3 3 replies
Going outside makes me feel like a bigger failure I see people.. who have lives and are happy while I’m miserable and alone living off of my parents like a leech. I feel so disgusted with myself but I can’t bring myself to change either. 3 1 replies
2year unemployed anti social girl just got heavily embarrassed on interview phone call lol i applied for IT apprenticeship and my autistic ass got put on the spot and i was unable to bullshit my way through . he caught me out on a lie on my cv (i stated i built a pc ) i never have . in fact i have not done any IT work since college / high school. past year and half i have done nothing but doom scroll and isolate myself from the world and attend useless anti radicalization appointments (known as PREVENT in the UK)... 5 0 replies
So long, i am going to exit NEET life I have worked at a car mechanic place for a few weeks. It's alright here. It's a routine you can get settled in and the work is varied enough. Maybe this is it? Maybe i'll no longer be a NEET if i can keep this up? 1 0 replies
It just takes one step This year, I wanted to give myself a real chance—to put in effort and see if I could achieve something. But every two weeks or less, I find myself back in the same cycle: 'Why are you still here? No one cares. You’re a bad person. You’re jealous of others. You try hard and say nice things, but no one will ever be there for you. You’re fat, ugly, jobless, not intelligent.' I’ve tried so many times since I was eight to make it all stop, and now, at... 1 0 replies
Are there any Neets on here that.... Were reading this sub a lot, and then thought that it would be good/cool/interesting (etc) to become a Neet, and now after a while, wish that they were not Neet? 4 0 replies