I hate how everything is competitive right now Everyhthing is so much competitive right now, I wanted to make money doing game dev but there are already millions of games.... I want to grow a sucessful youtube channel doing cartoon animations but it is impossible beacause the algorythm doesn't promote me... I want to have a developer job but impossible beacause everyone compete for the job... Every idea I think about, someone else already made it... I wanted to be esport gamer, impossible beacause everyone is a fkin tryhard sweat... I am so tired. I have to... 2 8 replies
How to cure loneliness without talking to people? I just can’t seem to connect with people. I don’t know what I’m supposed to do with my life now, I’m going insane with loneliness. I was thinking of starting to do rock climbing. It just gets me out of the house and keeps me active as well, although I am afraid of falling off the wall, I would only do walls I think I can handle. What do you all do to cure loneliness… that doesn’t really involve talking to people? 2 13 replies
What’s the purpose in working? A lot of us are probably young men in the us or first world countries in Europe. I was gonna ask what you all spend money on? I’m 21 and a 7 or so year neet from the uk. I get government money that I don’t really spend cus I rot all day and my lifestyle is inexpensive lol. I’m of the belief that working as a young male isn’t worth it because society treats us as disposable. In my country I will never be able to afford a... 3 9 replies
liminal space jobs where you don't have much to do? I've always wondered how cool it would be to work nightshift as mall security or maybe nightshift airport maintenance type work or a school/university security. anybody with real life experience in such jobs in liminal spaces where you don't have much to do? 5 6 replies
Shitty Work Experience I still remember having to go to work in a Starbucks milkshake cafe for work experience and it was atrocious. The feeling Of just waiting for an order or having to deal with customer orders was trash so I just sat in the chair most of work when it was boring and my boss shouted "what is he doing here" to ally he workers and one employee came up to me and said if our not working just pretend to work but tbh I didn't listen and walked around... 4 4 replies
I hate being a NEET I'm a F(21) and I haven't work in about a year almost 2 years, I mainly haven't been able to get job let alone keep one due to my epilepsy. It was over small things like having a seizure during my first week of work or the job not fixing their blinking lights that has almost caused me a seizure( Alot of misogyny was involved with this job). I don't have transportation let alone a drivers license, I've been trying to figure out the money to go to college.... 3 6 replies
17M DM if you fit this I am 17 years old but basically am a NEET with a trash life I only want to talk with people who want to change front he NEET life and get a education or a job I want someone who won't ghost me, will be long term friend, Active, is nice and lives in countries (UK,Canada,US and Chinese countries). I have a good music taste in which the best reacts I listen to are: NBA Youngboy - Beam Effect Tr3yway6K - 50s to the 100s Lil zay Osama -... 3 3 replies
At what age do you find it impossible to leave NEET life? I'm already struggling with 22 because of my mental problems, i honestly don't know when i might get out of this. 5 13 replies
ai girfriend do any of you know the best ai girlfriend right now ? i'm gonna suicide soon i can't think of anything else , i need to feel a thing i don't care how fake it is 1 4 replies
keep trying only work if at least once you breath instead of suffering each time guess i'm too weird/broken or idk what, don't know why i tried to mimic them. Stopping forcing myself to think their is an escape will make it easier. I deserve to be trapped with that monster in the mirror, no light never, only years of pain. Should have been a random insect and eated before even dare to realise that i existed 4 0 replies
Poll: What's your relationship status as a Neet? What's your relationship status as a Neet? [View Poll](https://www.reddit.com/poll/1ivk0bg) 5 7 replies
Talking to normal people is tough Talking to people I know and care about feels so hard these days. I love talking to them but when they talk about their lives, all I can see is how clear it is that they’re actively living their lives, that they’re doing meaningful and productive things. Even if they hate what they do, they’re still doing something. And I feel so worthless—I’m stuck in limbo, doing nothing all day, just wasting time away, while they’re out in the world. I think what made this feel worse was my... 4 7 replies
19 year old male looking for friends similar to me (please read the whole post before commenting or dming) (repost because I wanted to change some things) Hello! I’m a 19 year old neet. Been a neet for about a year now (I was on and off working for awhile but now I mentally can’t work). I suffer from borderline personality disorder, depression and ptsd so I want to get that out of the way. I’m also clingy as hell and grow attached fast. I’ve had a lot of bad experiences on this subreddit, with everyone being mean, but I decided to try again because I want friends I can relate to. Or any friends really.... 4 4 replies
Having trouble maintaning a routine I’m having trouble even preparing myself in the morning (having a shower or going out). I think a lot it has to do with depression. Anyone in a similar situation? Any advice? 1 4 replies