Video games are my lifeline They are literally the only thing I got going on in my life. The only form of human connection I have is with npc characters, they’re the only way I get to experience friendships/romance. And the closest thing I will get to feel excitement or a sense of adventure is by playing through the story. I especially love story-driven games, I recently finished Road 96 and I absolutely loved it. I get so attached to the characters (happens a lot) and I think about them for days. Anyways I’m... 2 4 replies
Spiralling after the Holidays I was Isolating myself this whole year and was actually beginning to enjoy my neetdom solitude. But after tonight I feel like a got a huge reality check. I hate how my whole family is more successful than me 4 0 replies
Do you have a source of monthly money and how much? (In USD) This includes income (like from investments), allowances, welfare, and more. I'm not a NEET myself, I used to be. I used to be able to get occasional weird jobs locally that would give me some cash. A few hundred dollars for helping someone move for example. And it would be rare, not often. I'm just curious if other NEETs generally experienced what i did. If you don't get your money monthly, take your annual, weekly, or other frequency of money you have access too and divide by 12 months... 4 4 replies
Shameless I have zero shame living this way. Shame is just caring about the opinions of others. And I don’t care about the opinions of those who wouldn’t care about me even if I was employed. Fuck em, I ball. 1 6 replies
A great war would be great for Neets There's talk about Trump wanting to expand the Us and start multiple conflicts. he probably won't start a massive conflict . But let's assume he's as wild as libs say he is and ends up starting a big conflict,it would be truly great for us Neets. Lots of normies would get drafted off freeing up lots of jobs,housing,dating prospects (assuming you're a guy) and other opportunities for us neets. If you wanted to join ,the armed forces would make the entry requirements much lower allowing you a opportunity. volunteering... 1 10 replies
depersonalization does anyone else suffer from depersonalization, dissociative indentity disorders, ego death or something similar? i know these arent exactly the same, but i think they share the same sentiment of not feeling like yourself anymore. in my case, i dont particularly feel human. 1 5 replies
This holiday I will just spend time here in reddit and p*rn comics. Tired to communicate. 3 6 replies
What was your 'dgaf' NEET-ish Nature in school like? When I was a bit more independent and couldn't be fcked participating in a school day during my last high school years I used to wag school, get off the bus midway (I had to exchange buses) and walk to the library, also got Mcdonalds for lunch with my pocket money which was close by, and just read, write and draw what I wanted in the town library until it was time to take the school bus home in the afternoon. Everything was close by as I lived in... 3 5 replies
Happy holidays NEETS Happy holidays brother's and sisters In NEET. I know that this time of year is hard for many of us, sending good vibes your way. 1 6 replies
christmas sucks i have to be around my normal family. awkward conversations about what i'm doing with my life (nothing). at a relatives house so i cant even hide in my cave, im forced to interact with them. every year christmas gets more depressing as i see those once a year family members advance with their lives. new job, pregnant, kids, higher education, moved cities, progress... its so tempting to just say no every year. no, i dont want to go. but i feel like it would crush my mother. christmas... 5 4 replies
Doctor doesn’t want to help with disabilitybux Application been rejected so I had to appeal but doctor is very hesitant to help if I get rejected again. Saying I'm still young (24 lol), this path will lead me to have no options in future. Says im intelligent and should try to find part time work and maybe go back to college. Infuriating to say the least, it's obvious I'm impaired, there's no way I can function in society ever again considering how much of a fuckup I am. Even if I might try to fix my... 5 10 replies
Bullying people into work isn't going to make them want to work. Screaming at someone to get a job isn't going to do anything but make them resent you. There, I said it. 3 9 replies
I love being a neet Absolute blast of life I am having. Today I woke up and had a nice homemade cake made by my mother. The taste of the cake beats anything you would buy from the stores.Then I spent the day couch surfing and sleeping. In evening me and my brother gonna have a party. God I love this life so much.I will treat my brother's with my savings throughout the year. 5 3 replies
Day 1 of turning my life around (before New Year's) Day 1 of turning my life around (before New Year's) 3 2 replies
What plans do you have for a next year? I personally don't believe 'new year new me' bullshit. Everything I planned and announced it to someone turned out to be a failure and there's no indication that this time it will be different. But also there's a feeling that my neet lifestyle is not sustainable and by doing nothing I actually harmed myself both in terms of mental and physical health. I lost all my social skills and confidence or rather what's little of them I had in the beginning. It's hard to admit that I wasted the... 2 10 replies
I regret becoming a NEET, I feel most of us here are privileged on some level otherwise we’d be forced to have regular jobs like normal people. I’m nearing that point where I need a job. It’s all starting to sink in. I’m about to get kicked out, if not for that I honestly would be content with my life. If you’re living comfortably now that may not be forever so I encourage all of you to have some sort of fall back 😭 Get online work or something! 3 10 replies