Have you ever been in love? I'm 27M and I've never been in love. Sometimes I hallucinate intimacy with a fantasy gf. I don't mean sex but stuff like chilling with my girlfriend in my room. She's going through her phone while I'm on my laptop. What hurts most during such daydreaming episodes is that I feel comfortable and relaxed around her not anxious and sweaty-palmed. Love must be nice, I guess. Realistically, I'm coming round to accepting that I'm too schizoid for Interpersonal relationships. This doesn't make me less human, though. That's just how... 2 6 replies
What are some of your "it could be worse" flexes? I don't drink or use any drugs. I've read enough about alcoholism and drug-use effects. I brush twice per day. Rotting teeth and dental care costs would be a nightmare. I always eat healthy. Being broke, there's never any junk food in our house. No sodas, no fries. Just home cooked fresh vegetables with rice and cornmeal. 2 4 replies
DAE end up sleeping at weird times? I usually don't try to sleep until I feel very tired because I don't like being alone with my thoughts and thinking about my life and stressful things that are going to happen in the future so then I stay up for like 20 hours and sleep for 8 hours. Currently it's 8:41am for me and i'm about to go to sleep for example. I was watching a streamer earlier complain how he only got 4 hours sleep but i'm pretty sure he doesn't have a job or other... 3 1 replies
It's dehumanizing to expect men to step up, be ambitious and intelligent. I hate that women blame their loneliness/lack of a relationship on men not stepping up, not being college educated, not being successful and a lack of intelligence. Men always date down in this supposed "equal" society, why don't women date down? Also this idea that dumb and unambitious men are inherently toxic, is problematic. Drive and intelligence has zero reflection on the character of a man, bad men are evil regardless of drive and intelligence. Equality is realising that dumb and smart people have equal value. If you disagree,... 2 6 replies
Whyyyyyy do I do this to myself Like for once I felt like fck it, I'll apply on indeed for something. I did, then a couple hours later while trying to sleep, just couldn't. I didn't have second thoughts about starting a job at first but then it got overwhelming and I undid the application. I know I'm not going to last that long on the job anyway cuz I'm a whiney weak ugly impatient idiot. The job was a bit far too, and I hate having to rely on my family to drive me places... 3 1 replies
Sorry guys I'm leaving this reddit forever I'm the one who translate d the 38-old Chinese neet documentary.i don't know what i did wrong to piss you guys off.Last night i posted a post which contained couple photos of the temple in the park,and I said some dogs peed there so i need to get away below,i really saw them did it.not any hateful feelings for them,actually i approached the tempel to see them but when i reached the top of the steps,they had already gone.I wasn't even like meaning it,i just said a thing that... 2 5 replies
Why "Go catch the bus"?that's 2 verbs! Hi everyone!It's my Chinese English composition text paper.(i know it's weird to say so).My teacher told me i have some grammar mistakes.Could you guys help point them out for me,much appreciation!! (the second pic is the text we are supposed to complete.) 2 1 replies
How many can relate? Found this in the comments of a YouTube video. "I've known a few NEETs, one thing they all had in common were their style of parent. absent yet present, a sort of omnipresent bully that kept them on a tight leash that would keep them from growing on their own and at the same time did no guiding or encouraging to help them grow. raised them to be losers." This fits me. My dad was emotionally absent and my mom was domineering. I grew up without providing any guidance on values and purpose. I felt I had to... 3 5 replies
Normies are not results driven, they are self suffering driven. Which is why 99% of people get nowhere in life Losing weight Me: Eat less and lose it because it’s 95% diet Normie: exercise as much as possible and lose weight slowly and don’t skip meals Results Me: extremely in shape Normie: fat piece of shit saying “no pain no gain” Stimulus checks Me: free money just for saying you have 0 dollars on a form Normie: I would rather work for it and will be honest Results: Me: 3200 free from government idiots for nothing Normie: nothing, because free money is bad and I want to earn with... 5 1 replies
Need to vent again. Sorry about this. The inhabitants of my country are a fucking cancer. Words cannot describe how much I hate them. I hope and pray that they will rot in hell. I really hope that I will be able to move to the US in the next year. I will definitely kill myself if I am unable to. Life is unbearable when you are different. Society doesn't want to give you friends or a romantic partner. Society tortures you on a daily basis. Society ridicules you and insults you if you are gay... 2 2 replies
I wish I could help out people who are in need If I had a massive amount of money I would donate to ill kids, homeless people, families. I would dedicate my life to this, I don't need much just the basics, like food, shelter and internet. While I'm on this Earth I want this place to be a lil bit better. I feel a warmth in my chest while I help people, no materialistic thing can overwrite that. 1 2 replies
Interviewing Ive been on-and-off NEET for most of my post-college life (i have a very part time job at the moment, but that’s it) and I was wondering if there’s any way I could interview other NEETs- those more so than I ever was. This would absolutely be from a place of understanding, naturally, and while I couldn’t pay much, I’d probably get them a meal. Not sure if this would be published work, or just to understand NEETdom on a deeper level, but I will say I’m in the... 2 0 replies
How does one realistically get on NEETBUX with a good job history and no diagnosed issues? I need a guide here. 4 4 replies
i cant make any friends i cant get in any relationship that is worthy or any person who is worthy. i think im gonna end it.. just giving it 5 years max to see what happens just for the sake of it... im really tired of everything... working school people blabbering when they cant even relate to my problems and my mental state.. clueless people in general with no understanding of how i function as a human being driven by selfish desire to destroy someone mentally. i have spent 6 hours today and nearly 9 hours yesterday trying to find friends/ relationship to which i havent been able to... 3 1 replies
Lazy As A Teenager This Christmas, my family and I were sitting outside talking, and my brother was talking about his mother-in-law who comes to "his" house to see "his" kids" (he's married). He said, "She acts like one of these adults who is lazy as a teenager and wants to stay at mommy and daddy's house for the rest of their lives." I'm suffering from physical and mental disabilities and live with my parents, so I took it a bit personally and asked him, "What wrong with that?" I asked him twice,... 2 3 replies
NEETS With Children? Im Curious to know how many of you have children? Are they in your lives? [View Poll](https://www.reddit.com/poll/1ho39y5) 2 7 replies
i’m miserable being a neet i’m insecure about it and my gf wants to be successful and she has a job . i’m cooked i get enhanced pip and LCWRA benefit . i do not know what direction to go in life , it seems like i will have to start from the beginning (go back to college) i feel so insecure and anxious about the future now 2 1 replies
Played online feeling overwhelmed and scared My friend recently lost her mom and she made a passing remark about playing online so I bit the bullet pushed my anxiety down and played I had fun while playing, but I was constantly feeling acid reflux in the back of my throat and my lips were getting numb Partially because I was playing with her which I've never done before we've just been texting friends and we see each other once in awhile IRL but we'll hang out really so we just text But while we were... 3 0 replies