I like Christmas because it's when the world fucks off for a while And now it's nearing its end, back to "normal". Ugh. I look forward to the suspension of bau from October/November, get that brief reprieve and it snaps back like a whip. This is why I loved the lockdowns and could not understand people wanting to go back to normal. It was a 2 year Christmas holiday for me. I enjoy the night for the same reason, the hustle and bustle of the daylight, corporate ideologues bugger off. It's the sense of freedom I guess. 2 1 replies
Why are normies so confident, aggressive, and stronger than me? They all just seem so confident and aggressive. As soon as I walked out the door this guy just death stares me and I look away at my dog but I had no ill intention but why is he just hating and staring like he's ready to whip out a gun and kill me. I just dont get it. As soon as I walk outside everyone seems intent on having a stare down and getting ready to kill me. I envy their self confidence. I'm so much weaker and... 2 10 replies
How many neets here suffer from cognitive issues? Have struggled to focus and remember things all my life and I feel like it's one of the bigger contributing factors to eventually becoming a neet. I don't get how normies so effortlessly remember and recall on demand hundreds of tiny details a day while juggling multiple jobs and personal issues. It's like they were born at max level or have insane exp boost cheats turned on or something. New coworker at my wagie cagey learned everything needed within a few weeks meanwhile I'm still making mistakes and forgetting... 1 10 replies
This isn’t the life I imagined when I was younger Being an adult and seeing the world how it really is, how flawed people are, and how screwed up our society is, has made me disillusioned with the world. It’s all so disappointing, this is the world people have built, it could be so much more but no, the pride and greed of man gets in the way of everything. I wish we lived in a post-greed society like in Star Trek, where replicators made everything for us and no one had to work. But unfortunately you have to... 4 10 replies
Thinking of writing a book about being a neet Hi, neet with 10+ years of experience here. I was thinking of writing a book about being a neet, would you read it? Do you think it's a good idea? The book would be about how to live as a neet succesfully and happily, not how to become a neet( that is out of your control, you gotta have parents willing to fund yout neet lifestyle) 5 7 replies
Any of you guys hate college and university students? I failed out of secondery school at age 16. Never had a single qualification in my life. I have had moderate autism and learning disabilities that have made learning hell. I used to be working in grocery and fast food and something that has bugged me is the fact i am in my early 20s and all of the new workers are college and university students. And i am always asked "what are you studying bro" And even asked that by people much older as well in and outside... 2 7 replies
Worst Teacher In Unacademy is Akansha Karnwal In Neet Category Agree? Fed up with this teacher she literally can't teach properly skips some topics I'm talking in Unacademy Plus she literally don't care only theory theory,only single question in one whole big chapter I don't know why unacademy is not removing this teacher and bring some new faculty what you guys think ? 4 1 replies
Going to be kicked out soon. Bout to get kicked out w/o a Car. I have the money to either buy the materials to painlessly fade into the ether or try and stay at a hostel while looking for work for a couple weeks. I don’t want my family to find my body tho 😭 Very 50/50 on it all ngl [View Poll](https://www.reddit.com/poll/1hpguwl) 1 1 replies
Just a |=\_/<k1N6 rant Was kicked out of my parents at 19, I got accepted for welfare because of my disabling mental health that’s landed me in hospital many times. I wish I could hold down a job. I feel so useless and lonely and all my skills are regressing. I’m trying to make a better life for myself but it’s fucking hard when welfare deincentivises that, because I’d literally earn less if I had a minimum wage job (that’s all I’m qualified for as I did shit at school) even then, I’ve... 5 1 replies
What have you ate for breakfast? Mine was beans from a jar, sweet instant oatmeal and tea. Not the best meal imagineble, but not the worst. 3 6 replies
How to overcome the shame? I (24f) am currently in a deep depression, triggered by my obsession to work, but being unable to. It actually makes me so anxious and sad that I'm not able to work like all my friends do, which resulted in me not being able to get out of bed atm. I really wanna work so bad and I know it would be good for me but I can't get over the shame of not starting sooner or getting a better job. There are just so much bad feelings around... 2 1 replies
Wishing you all the very best. I've really learned to love this sub and all the interesting people who come by. I just wanted to wish you all the best for 2025, whatever you decided to do/not do! Fuck the system!! 5 4 replies
Has anyone tried friendmaking subreddits? What has been your experience in subreddits like makenewfriends, needafriend 4 10 replies
Capitalism Given that a lot of us are probably NEETs from not wanting to be wage-slaves, does anyone else just truly despise the capitalist system as a whole in general from conceptual standpoint? Like especially with enshittifcation I despise even making decisions in regards to things like steam sales and "competition". There's so many games I honestly I would buy not to mention so many corporations are against game preservation as a whole because the whole financial system that honestly should just be completely demolished, especially as a completely despise... 2 10 replies
The argument "some workers don't have the choice to be a NEET" doesn't work, and the pandemic proved it Do you remember when the lockdown happened and several businesses went on hiatus and people were forced to stay at home? Do you remember the wagies reaction? It was a total desperation for something normal for the vast majority of neets, not in the monetary aspect (some countries and companies even paid people to stay at home), it was the simple fact of staying at home without doing "anything". Things like "live to entertain yourself", "zoom conferences" were trending at the time, normies were going crazy. This proves that... 3 6 replies
why does some normies here thinks they are neet for having a breaks? Like I've seen posts thinking they are neets for just a days or a month some of them recently graduated from highshool but will be back again for college or resign to cooldown a bit. But why they feel miserable? and always complain, like when they rant they always said it's terrible for what? a christmas break?, summer break or resigning a job but don't have really an experience of a neet. Then after that break they will says "bye s\*ckers not a neet". I understand if you have... 4 10 replies
I did alright this year I completed free course which gave me a forklift license. I remained unemployed for about 4-5 months afterwards I’m 23 and didn’t have any references and have only worked for 8 months in my life, but managed to get a temporary job in a warehouse in October for the Christmas season. I managed to learn how to drive as well this year but accidentally smashed my car when I was trying to find parking when I was running late on my first day of work. My mum went to... 1 1 replies
I tried again and failed I'm still stuck in neetdom. I was told that I needed to get back up and try again after fucking up my first job. I did. I fucked up again. Tried to get back to the workforce... Nothing. No one wants to hire me, and I have no marketable skills. I'm fucked It's been almost 5 years and finally admitting that to myself feel like a kick in the teeth. At first, it didn't matter because I wasn't going to live much longer anyway. Now that I actually want... 2 4 replies
How many of you are suicidal and what’s keeping you from doing it? Title^ I’m gonna do this shit for a decade more tops and then kms 1 8 replies