Sad New Year to everyone Nothing is going to change. Life will only get worse day by day. Life is 99.99% suffering, and the rest is happiness. So, what’s the point of living when I will suffer every moment? Life is the second name of hell. Because of my mental health, I can’t eat properly and often skip meals. I can’t get out of bed, and I can’t function like a normal human being. It’s not getting better; it’s only getting worse. When will this fking mental health ever get better? Fk life. Fk... 1 9 replies
I'll leave this here in case someone wants to talk I'll leave this here in case someone wants to talk 4 1 replies
Do you ever feel like even if you *do* start working hard the best possible outcome is undesirable? Like let's say I start working hard and get my shit together, live a normal life, make a family and provide for them for decades. Well I don't *desire* that kind of future and realistically this is the best possible outcome if I start working hard. 2 10 replies
I fulfilled one of my 2024 New Years Resolutions, reading, playing and watching at least 12 new Books, Games and Movies this year. I fulfilled one of my 2024 New Years Resolutions, reading, playing and watching at least 12 new Books, Games and Movies this year. 2 5 replies
Notification from a Calendar app Reminder set to january 2025 with such text: How terrible, five years have passed since October 13, 2020 😯 Are you 28 now? Have you achieved anything at all? Nah, didn't achieve anything. How to achieve something with mental illness and low energy, idk. And nah, i'm 27. 4 0 replies
I love pornography If it wasn't for pornography as a form of sexual coping I would be a much more frustrated person. As you know, if you're not a normie wagie with the resources to serve as a betabux or literal chad, your chances with women are basically zero. If it weren't for pornography I would probably be a wagiecuck today spending my salary on prostitutes like many who brag about "not watching pornography or masturbating" do. Also, pornographic art like hentai made me appreciate it in a different way, today I... 1 2 replies
Just 4hrs left in my country before the new year Happy new year to us. Even new year I was still scolded, well life goes on we are going to die anyway. 5 0 replies
Tell me other activities along with preparing NEET? 😜 Tell me other activities along with preparing NEET? 😜 4 1 replies
Nice to neet you I’m a 29-year-old who has faced significant challenges since the pandemic. During that time, I was in a semi-NEET situation with some psychic vulnerability. However, I managed to stay afloat by working part-time and pursuing a history degree, where I had made good progress. Unfortunately, in 2023, I contracted a chronic illness, which has brought ongoing health problems. Over time, these issues have increasingly impaired my cognitive abilities, and this year, stress led to a major crash—daily headaches and brain fog—making it impossible to focus on my studies. As... 4 2 replies
I went on a big stupid adventure with a semi shut in from 4chan today He wasn't a NEET, but I didn't know that when we started. I was pretty leery to meet up with somebody from 4chan and he seemed weirdly intimidating on text. But when we meet up he was this like super shy super quiet obviously spectrumy guy that hated making eye contact and played dwarf fortress. He actually had a really good job but I'm not sure how good his social life is. I forced him to help me fix my bikes before we went out which was both fun... 2 1 replies
I won't get out of my unstable life even after turning 37 Life failed me.. I had the intention of leaving my family after turning 18.. I tried it all to get a stable life but COVID19 and capitalism delayed my journey... school taught me nothing about the true harsh realities of everyday life and only gave a job to people who where already priviledged than me.. no words can describe the suffering I have endured in recent years.. the list it's just too long for me to describe under a single reddit post.. I am unable to have a job... 2 0 replies
Learning more about multi-year NEETs Hello again all, I posted a few days ago about interviewing NEETs relatively close to my home, but honestly, I can just talk to you here! I’m not trying to invade on anyone’s privacy by going to their house or anything if I don’t have to/they don’t want me to, so I’m very much down to talk to anyone about the lifestyle. I do have some experience, a few multiple-month stretches of neetdom, adding to about a year or so altogether, but always some way or another, forced to... 4 0 replies
I don't understand what to do leave my job or not I was a neet for a few months at the beginning of the year. Then I got a job because I got really bored of neeting. Its been 6 months at my new job and I hate going to work every single day. As i have multiple mental health issues, I cannot relate to anyone at work and hate interacting with them and feeling inferior to everyone else. I dread going to work every single day. I'm not rich so I can't afford to just be a neet forever.... 5 0 replies
Posting the shit I made 10 years ago? Rate me guyss !!?? Posting the shit I made 10 years ago? Rate me guyss !!?? 4 1 replies
How disconnected do you feel from the outside world? I just went for a walk and it just feels so odd all the people the cars everything feels weird and sometimes it’s hard to believe that this is reality, honestly gta v feels more real than the real world at this point to me lmao 5 0 replies
I hate Pornography This addiction I have has ruined so many aspects of my life. I’m going to be 23 in about a month and a half and I’m so afraid my brain is cooked beyond repair. Half my life has been filled with Pornographic material. I’m so tired of it. I’m tired of the way it makes me feel, makes me think, and the way it makes me look at others. God help me. My one wish for this year is that I can overcome this addiction. It’s big part of... 3 7 replies
What do American neets who are past the age of 26 do for health insurance What do American neets who are past the age of 26 do for health insurance 4 10 replies
I still have a naive dream I'm (29M) NEET for one and a half years. I used to work in the corporate sphere until my psychosis or most likely schizophrenia took the best of me. Being NEET has it's pro's and cons, it's nice that you don't have the hectic life but it's existence is pretty bleak to me. All in all, I have the naive dream to go back to working fulltime, meet a gf (I'm not ugly or social incompetent) and thinking about having a kid. Unfortunately I have illnesses and would not... 1 3 replies
Has anybody watched the 'Born Rich' documentary? There is this documentary called 'Born Rich' which is about these rich kids who don't have to work a day in their lives since they will inherit a lot of money. The only problem they have is that they get bored sometimes. It would be awesome not to have to work a day in your life. I wouldn't mind the occasional boredom. The documentary is on YouTube if you want to watch it. 3 3 replies
I don't think I should wake up tomorrow morning. I don't think I should wake up tomorrow morning. 3 1 replies