People on Facebook are unpleasant Not so sure if it was always this way but it doesn't feel good. I've had close connections on Facebook, but it was almost never someone I met on Facebook. We would just use messenger as a secure way of chatting. YouTube, Discord, third party wikis, and third party forums were and are the best for me to make authentic connections. 2 1 replies
life is great 12 inches in a sudden realization of feeling out of place around people, the presence I give off seems more crusty and dingy compared to the people around me. That I begin to resent my surroundings, same reason why I dropped out of school. I hated people around me even though they were nice as far as I could tell. Now I rot in my room marinating in my own unfulfilled restless ambitions as I try to fulfill them. But it gets mentally draining to do anything. Body dysmorphia is settling in... 5 0 replies
Maybe I am a sour puss but while struggling financially and I see this, instead of thinking good for them, I just lose it. 5 11 replies
Does anyone want change? Does anyone also hate living as a neet and want to change their lives for the better? I've been living with anxiety/depression on/off for the longest time and I feel scared to do even the simplest things in life. Although taking first step is not so easy I think. Anyway, does anyone have similar issues and wants a partner for support? Let me know if you're interested 1 3 replies
Neet life is the only life worth living for me. I sincerely hate working. I don’t care if my job pays me 1mil per hour. The fact I’d have to spend most of my day away from the things I actually like always sucks. If I were to get kicked out I’d just live in a car or something to not have to work so much to pay a shit ton of bills. I am very motivated to continue to make work a non factor or minimal factor in my life. Even if I had a home I’d still... 5 8 replies
Thinking back on last year I spent months going back and forth doing the bare minimum to applying to my first job and working for my parents business when I got tired of it until I finnally came across a job I managed to stay for just 1 day until I realized I straight up couldn't physically do it as it was a kitchen job and I was put on one of the busier days just chopping away left out there as my actual trainer came in alot later and so I quit the... 2 0 replies
Does anyone wanna team up to get a job I am gonna be 21 this year with no work experience and it’s seriously demoralising applying so much with no return. It makes me feel burnt out and just feel like giving up. I’m wondering if anyone wants to team up in a sense and like, maybe hype each other up into finding a job, hold each other accountable for sending x number of resumes a day etc. 4 0 replies
Waiting for my life to begin When I was younger I used to think that my next stage in life would finally be when my life was going to begin. That is, when I would have a close group of friends, a girlfriend, a decent social life, exciting experiences, etc. First, I thought it was going to be when I started secondary school but, I actually had a terrible time there. Then, I thought it was going to be when I started college but, it was just struggle after struggle and I didn't make any... 4 6 replies
i feel really depressed having no job i got told i should lower my standards and work in a basic minimum wage job so (retail and warehouse work ) what is the point of that if there’s no career professional? i want a job so my gf won’t leave me because she can do better , but a minimum wage job with 0 career progression is still shit and i’ll still be looked down on. she’ll probably still leave me for someone with a nice high paid job i don’t like retail . i worked a... 3 6 replies
For me this Is the definition and appeal of NEET - safe in a warm, comfy cocoon while chaos reigns outside. 1 6 replies
Do you feel unsafe around people? As far as I’m concerned people = threat especially young people they’re all fucking bullies if you don’t fit their definition of normal enough 4 10 replies
Am I the only one who has this kind of social anxiety where you don’t get anxious being around people you just have no idea what to say and kinda shut down In exception to the few people you know well, (usually family). 2 7 replies
Third world NEETs Most people here seem to be first world countries with strong/half decent social support systems. Any NEETs here from the third world countries? It would be great if y'all could share how you guys are managing things. PS: The US is not third-world 2 5 replies
The Onion: Man Just Having One Of Those Decades Where He Doesn't Feel Like Doing Anything Me but I started in my 20s 4 4 replies
Being a Neet (W) vs Being a Wagey (L) Dependence is universal. Virtually everyone relies on someone or something to survive financially—whether it’s parents, employers, clients, or the state. The only exceptions, arguably, are those who’ve won the lottery or inherited vast wealth. The idea that wage workers are ‘independent’ or ‘free’ as we often hear is little more than a comforting myth. The reality is that wage workers are tethered to their bosses, who control their time, energy, and often their dignity. Entrepreneurs and freelancers, for all their supposed autonomy, are bound to the whims of clients,... 2 1 replies
Fuck it, starting a cleaning buissnes with my buddy My life is odd, I swear 90 something percent is me laying in bed, but one of the things I regularly have done in my city is meet and talk with former millionaires that lost everything Drugs, divorce, hiring family on top of spending all their money with lifestyle creep only to have their business fail Me and my buddy are tired of always being broke and living a low income life. I don't fully understand why, but the most common business was cleaning and renting margarita machines. I'm... 2 0 replies
I slept through New Year's Eve and dreamed I was late for high school AGAIN It was terrifying, it was like it was the last week and I had already missed a few days and the final exams were going to start and I would probably be held back for the year. Not even in the New Year I can escape the trauma that school put me through, I feel like those Vietnam war veterans, I must have those psychological problems that veterans have, I woke up in a panic again (it wasn't the first time). And they still ask me why I am... 5 0 replies
Anyone doing dry January? Was lying in bed at 3am sober, a meer few hours after polishing off a full bottle of vodka and felt pretty disgusted with myself. Going to try to stay off booze for the next month at least, hopefully. 1 4 replies