Even if you did have a high paying job, you still wouldn’t have a gf or friends What’s the point if the isolation is still there? 3 5 replies
I was born to be an npc and it kills me inside I was born to be an npc and it kills me inside 2 4 replies
If being a long term NEET means you’re fucking retarded, then I fucking love being fucking retarded 1. Burn out of work and school 2. Doctors say you’re retarded 3. Golden ticket for NEETING your whole life The system rewards you for not being a robot. Any normie enablers will just permanently use loser lingo to make you win forever 3 8 replies
I am cooked… This is going to be messy rant and I don’t care. I am someone that always struggled with school because I am a fu&k&$@ neurodivergent. I started college this week and I dropped out the next day due to fact I felt overwhelmed. I feel like a disappointment to my mom. I feel so embarrassed, why tf am I cured like this. I hate when people always ask me repetitive questions about school and careers, I don’t what job I want to pursue, at this point I rather get... 3 2 replies
Minor success story and hopefully the first step forward of many. Sorry if this is a bit of a ramble. I'm extremely tired right now and have pretty limited writing skills at the best of times, but I wanted to share some good news as I don't really have anyone in my life to tell this to. I've been struggling forever with depression and anxiety and it's robbed me of so much time and joy. I'm 29, no job, no friends, no partner and last month, I was the closest I've been to taking my own life. Less than 30... 4 1 replies
I still can't believe normies work 60+ hours a week and have no problem with it. I've been working a wagey job for nearly a year now and it's a literal nightmare. It's not even a bad job relatively speaking but my mind still can't seem to accept that it's just constant never ending consistent grind. Every single day 9 hours a day plus hours of commute. The assignments never end no matter how many I complete. It's like a school semester that never ends and everyday is a final exam plus multiple projects for homework. I come home and just sit on my chair... 3 18 replies
How to make myself do anything Where I'm at now sucks. Im on the spectrum and never had any real practice talking to people. I don't know.. I just lie in my room all day crying wishing I could do things and talk to people without panicking and crying more. trying to see a therapist, but the wait is months and all I have to do in the meantime is rot,but I physically can't take it anymore I'm going insane from being in this position for so many years, from the loneliness, the lack of... 4 3 replies
Is there any help for Hiki Neets to change in America? How did you escape Ex-neets? This is getting old man. I really would like to change, there are just so many things I have to change... Yes, baby steps. But I fall off with even baby step changes. I fluctuate between feeling like "I'm gonna do something productive" and FUCKITALL quite frequently. Not to mention the anger and random crying. How can I even escape when I don't even really love or believe in my ability to escape? I need more help than just seeing a therapist if I'll ever change. I don't know... 3 3 replies
What makes you happy in life and is it achievable? It can range from basic things like music to having a yacht, just curious 4 13 replies
No longer NEET. This server was a great safe space for me a while back as I couldn't really relate to anybody else outside of the folk on here and their daily struggles n what not. I used to be really active on here 'til not that long ago, and that is mainly because I finally chose to take the action and try to change my life around. Started hitting the gym again, got a new job that is going pretty well and I'm also working on various side hustles on the... 3 17 replies
If you had such parents, did your Asian/Asian Indian parent have different career goals/expectations for you than your "white" European descent parent? For some, both parents may have unrealistic expectations, causing the child to feel they can't quite meet either (& thus some become NEETs) If you had such parents, did your Asian/Asian Indian parent have different career goals/expectations for you than your "white" European descent parent? For some, both parents may have unrealistic expectations, causing the child to feel they can't quite meet either (& thus some become NEETs) 3 2 replies
need ideas on how to spend my time what do u guys do? im not into video games i mostly watch shows any recs? 2 8 replies
How do you maintain good mental health as a NEET? How do you stay mindful and present, not feel depressed, not lonely and feel content over things? I am personally struggling with being mindful, always stuck in my thoughts. 4 20 replies
I feel like I’ll never get anywhere I’m 16 and feel like a massive fuck up, I’m obviously not in school or work all I do is sit at home and draw all day. It seems like everyone around me is doing so much and working toward something yet I just sit here doing fuck all, i want a job but anytime i actually get hired I bail out before my first day even starts. I don’t know what to do or how im meant to move forward, I know a lot of people will say... 5 10 replies