I love being unemployed There, I said it. I love having all this time to myself, getting to do what I want and when I want. If I want to work on some of my hobbies, or go out and socialise, I can do that. Equally, if I want to lie in bed all day, I can do that too. It’s so refreshing being free of the toxic productivity culture we have, that only serves capitalism. Sure, I struggle with my mental health, but thats been the case my whole life. However, being... 3 20 replies
I'm screwed I'm still living in my parents house man, the water faucet got screwed, but I got my own room and a bathroom. Then the faucet got break on its own, I already told the problem before that it was already leaking but they told me it was my room and bathroom I need to fix it up but all my savings was all gone. Now it gave up idk what's going to happen, because all water pipes are connected in just 1house. Damn I will be kicked out I... 3 1 replies
Failing college... help Recently re-enrolled to college (September) after dropping out previously in 2022ish , Been missing day after day due to just the anxiety that comes with going in, and kinda scared to fall back into the NEET life again. Just got a call today that my attendance is "worrying" aka they are thinking of taking me off my course. Any tips to manage anxiety due to college? (P.S The work isn't the thing thats bothering me as im top of my class with barely any effort being put in.) 4 2 replies
I’m taking one small step forward today THIS POST DOES NOT SAY OTHER NEETS DO NOT ENJOY THEIR LIVES. THIS IS ONLY ABOUT ME. I’ve been a NEET for over a year at this point. And this year I made a resolution to improve my quality of life. But with one week gone there hasn’t been much progress. So today no matter what, I’m going to go to the gym. I’ll comment below how it felt like. I feel like it’s the only one thing that’s purely in my control, some exercise for my body. So... 3 4 replies
Let's put an end point on that clock i guess i have 2 years left , i don't see the point of keeping this nightmare on track if i pass 28. Been there since i'm 16 tried everything , even had an huge chance to change everything but ended up fucking my life even deeper. Each years have been more painful. I don't know i want to laught at this shit it's a fucking circus where i'm the only spectator sitting in the middle crying while this psicopath clown dance around me. Well i can't even cry... 2 3 replies
Its my birthday! Wish i made better plans for today, I could’ve went clubbing for the first time. 18 celebratory shots and a quarter of whiskey!!! 1 2 replies
Being a wagecuck or neet sucks and you cant win Being one or another sucks unless you get em neetbux. I've wagecucked at a supermarket in the past and it brought me to the very edge of roping. Slaving 6 days a week for 8-9 hours, from 1.pm. to 10 pm. Every fucking day wasted and no energy or time to do anything else afterwards and eventually got fired anyway since I called in sick while having high temperature. Being a neet sucks also. My folks are on to me 24/7 along with the fucking government that tries to... 3 5 replies
It’s getting to the point that I can’t even get an interview I am physically not very attractive, average to below average and socially anxious but I thought I’ve been getting better with that lately. Having good interviews is always hard when you don’t have model good looks or you are unattractive and I’ve never had good experiences with them. But now stores aren’t even contacting me back when I apply like they already know I’m an ugly loser and think or something about my resume that they hate. I can’t even get an interview anymore for jobs that require basically... 4 2 replies
I feel ”ashamed” for enjoying being a NEET I have been on sick leave from work since August (not my first time being on long-term sick leave due to burnout/mental issues) and I just feel so relieved. I’m really not built for working/socializing. I’m extremely socially anxious and chronically tired so spending my days at home, mostly in bed, is honestly better for me however I don’t tell people this because they expect me to go back to work and start my life back up again but I don’t see myself doing that in the near future,... 1 2 replies
A little rant about our way of life. I experience significant frustration when trying to navigate a system that, while it may appear commendable at first glance, ultimately reveals itself to be profoundly disappointing in its implementation. Capitalism, which once emphasized the interests of consumers, has transformed into a structure primarily designed to serve a select few. As a result, we find ourselves donning inexpensive, poorly constructed garments made from substandard materials, while consuming heavily processed foods filled with harmful additives, all in the pursuit of a meager annual profit margin of merely 2%. You will be... 4 1 replies
Why I'm doomer neet There is no future, why pretend? In the end, I will exit by my own admission. I don't expect to live past 30. Turning 25 this year, society is unforgiving since I've contributed nothing. Still, it is forever society's obligation to help neets and disadvantaged people. If they were us, they'd understand. I am sick, but there's no help. When I take my last breath and my soul escapes my body, I will think of being free and disappointed in humanity. How can I keep living in a world... 4 4 replies
Depressed beacause I cannot find a job or keep a job I can't find anything that suits me, I always end up giving up no matter what I do. I think I have work anxiety. Even driving a car make me anxious 3 5 replies
How do I accept my life as a NEET? So I recently turned 25 and I have absolutely nothing going for me. I am 5'4, autistic, mentally ill, etc. heck, I can't even drive! I'm also a khhv. Any time I try anything to improve my life (I tried joining the military, I couldn't even get through boot camp. I keep failing out of college and gambling with my financial aid.) it always goes bad. And I'm tired of working subhuman warehouse jobs. I want to finally accept my place in society and natural selection. I have a... 4 5 replies
Forced to Career, Born to Enjoy Espressos - My Story Childhood was good. At school we wrote comics and talked about Ninjago, FnaF, played that tank game on the computers in the library before class. At neighborhood we climbed trees, fought, explored, pooled together 3 dollars to afford day pass at the swimming pool. At home I read books, played with toys. Then came senior year of High School. I got a job at a fast food place, and started making money. I didnt have a car back then, any bills, so I was balling. It felt good. I... 4 0 replies
Just text me. I'm bored and for whatever reason, I really feel like actually talking to someone. 3 0 replies
Anyone feels like the world just doesn't want you in it? Hello, i've been a lurker on this subreddit for a while now and even if i try to not turn into a NEET even if deep down i want to because i literally would just die cause my mom's selfish and doesn't even know how to do shit herself and my dad died from covid but he wasn't the best example of a dad either. I've had social anxiety since high school from bullying so since that i've been used to just being in my room all day and... 5 0 replies
Don't have money for hobbies and getting frustrated I'm pretty broke as I have no job but I have a shit ton I'm interested in like gaming (want a pc) skating (only have the deck) dates with my gf but she's too lazy even if I had the dolla. Time us just passing e x t r e m e l y slow on a day to day basis. And I'm constantly counting down till the days I get the petty cash of the govement I'm owed. Life without neetbux is hell but its a long and... 1 4 replies