Why am I such a talentless idiot. No matter what I do, I always suck at everything I wish I wasn't so stupid 5 8 replies
How helicopter parenting (sort of) turned me into an unemployable NEET How helicopter parenting (sort of) turned me into an unemployable NEET 1 2 replies
Workaholic parents Anyone else have workaholic parents? It's awful. Impossible to reason with them. 1 2 replies
I'm suicidal but want to recover. Got sick in middle school, didn't recover until adulthood, and have been a NEET almost the entire time. I'm 22 now. I lost the overwhelming majority of my youth before I even had the chance to experience it. I'm planning suicide now and think it's very likely to happen within the week. If anybody thinks I have a chance at recovery, then please let me know how and why. I don't see myself actually being worth a shit anymore since I'm so old. Anything I do from here on... 3 8 replies
Is it wrong miss being a Neet? I was a Neet for a few years about 4 years and I am now 25. I just got a job as a housekeeper in the hotel business as a casual worker, and still I have to work 8-9h a day six days a week. It's hard and it sucks. Since I live with my mom, I can't just quit the job as she has been pressuring me to get a job out of worrying about my future and I love her for worrying about me. But I secretly... 3 0 replies
What was your childhood/teenage like? Title^ Just wondering if there are people here with good upbringing + neurotypical + not disabled that are neets but either way I’d like to know how things were like for y’all 4 15 replies
The paradox of post-industrial society You wake up, do nothing, go sleep, wake up next time and realize that society hasn't collapsed, world didn't fall apart. Even your local community is surviving another day as usual. So what's the point? You are clearly not needed anywhere, you don't have to contribute, everyone does fine without you. In the past small, local communities couldn't afford neets, everyone had role, whether it's tanner, woodworker, hunter, farmer or guard - those jobs were necessary for survival of everyone. But now... in the global village population is so... 1 0 replies
God I Miss Being a Neet I, a 25 year old just got a job as a hotel housekeeper (big mistake), and GOD it sucks. I have to wake up at 5:50 just to get cleaning and ready for the bus, while we were supposed to start work at 8, we have to be there early for briefing, even though I am working as casual, I still have to work 8h a day 6 days a WEEK and if I work too slow I have to keep working until I was done which could be... 4 0 replies
How do you guys live Earnestly asking, like how do you get money / food / housing etc? Thanks 5 10 replies
Lack of talent is the reason Genetics... genetics... everything is about genetics, when you're an average or even below in my case, your life turns into HELL, this world is competition, the best succeed, the worst is humiliated and thrown into the garbage can, this in every sector of society and life, so this is the reason why I'm neet, antisocial and hikikomori, there is no win for me, so why to play? Only winners get the prize, the losers are destroyed. I wish I was more intelligent, tall, strong and beautiful, so I would... 1 11 replies
Hate my Existence I’m a 22 year old full NEET, I’ve never had a job or girlfriend and have autism, misophonia, ocd, depression and anxiety. I live with my parents in a garage don’t talk to anybody and have no friends but my mum and don’t want to live anymore the only enjoyment I’ve had from life is video games and watching twitch live streams, I wish I was dead. 5 7 replies
how and when do I start ... i've had enough. I just want to sit the GCSEs with integrity and then finish but I can't finish until 18, and I don't think I can do a degree, I just wanna develop in a home or a ward, im fucked in the head enough for either. I really need help. CAHMS isn't working and the UK PREVENT team know abt this acc. 5 1 replies
Anyone know of a MMORPG with an active community besides Wow and RuneScape? Isolation is brutal and at least with MMORPGs you are interacting with other players. Been looking to try out a new game and wanted to see if anyone had any suggestions. 3 5 replies
Back to NEET I just quit my shit part time job in the middle of a bad job market. I’m back to being neet🎉. Fuck the United States 4 3 replies
NEET against my will. I got expelled from my high school. I can't hold a job due to severe mental illness. I have no hobbies. Have virtually no friends. All I do is lay down and browse not even social media, I browse the fucking Doe Network to fuel my morbid curiosity with the dead. To me, the idea of a good day is waking up, playing a round of Fortnite, and then working on my dead body hobby till I ultimately decide its time to go to sleep. I want to be... 1 3 replies
I feel ashamed of being a neet tbh Before I get downvotes to 6 feet in the ground. I wanna say how I feel about being neet and I ain’t try to shame anyone. It sucks when you have family and relatives with good careers and then there’s me aka failure of the family. It’s sucks I didn’t choose to be this way. I am too stupid to get a degree in school (I dropped out the first day). I can’t even get a fucking entry job. It’s over. Everyone my age is in college and university... 2 7 replies
Anyone here on antipsychotics/other psychiatric meds? Just curious if there's people in this community who are on them. Feel free to DM me if so and we can share our stories and vent to each other about life. 4 7 replies
Do you feel like your parents didn’t prepare you for the world? Or some other development issue as a kid or a teen? What went wrong? 5 20 replies