Return to neet? I left being a Neet during the Summer of this year since i wanted to move out of my home (current situation is bad living with schizophrenic family members screaming everyday, damp, moudly house falling apart as well) I hate nothing more then living with other people. I am nearly 21 and im living in UK for info. And yet even with working a job now for a while fulltime all my efforts to move out have failed. I have tried so many times in the past. I have... 3 1 replies
Anyone wanna team up? I have to say, this community was oddly uplifting and I found quite a bit of hope in your posts. I wanted to maybe exchange a bit of life stories or advice with you, if anybody is up for it :) Also, I love gaming (PoE2 is my current obsession) and I am into anime/movies. If anybody wants to chat or connect together, it would be pretty awesome. Wishing all of you a good few days. Stay strong 🖤 1 3 replies
First day of work after NEETing for 4+ years in total. Some of you might remember me. I'm a 28 year old NEET (maybe soon to be ex-neet?). Not too long ago I was hired for warehouse work at Amazon but I didn't even last the day before I had a panic attack and quit, and I made a post about it. The coworkers, the environment, the managers, the work itself. Everything about that job just pushed all of my buttons and I felt like I just couldn't handle it. So it's not a surprise that I was extremely anxious... 1 4 replies
i'm turning 24 in a few days and ive never worked a single day in my life, i'm trying to change. ive been a neet since 2019 after getting my high school diploma i went to university to do something that has nothing to do with my field of work i immediatly ragequited after 2 days then covid started and i did nothing for 2 years. after this i was depressed and thought that it was "too late" now looking back i was still so young. my parents are already old ( they got me late) i want to take care of them they've been way to cool with me... 4 8 replies
At what age did you realize you would not be like everyone else? I realized it when it when i was 16 and found 4chan. Fellow robots, weebs and losers. It was fun to have some company and that there were people like you unlike in school thanks to bullying. Can't say i recognize the site anymore though, some boards are fun still but it just feels different. This subreddit is the closest to /r9k/ that i know of. Cozy place, i miss watching on that rabbit site movies and anime with other anons. 2 8 replies
What’s the easiest and most effective way to end it? I’m gonna stick around for now but I’m getting close to hitting 30 so I’m almost at the point where I won’t be able to turn things around. I need to start getting plans ready for a departure just in case. 1 2 replies
I'm way too pathetic for my age I'm fairly young here. 16 years old. Dropout of highschool for a year. Depressed. No friends. No social skills. No hobbies. Adults keep pressuring me to go back to school while not believing I have mental issues. Everyone thinks it's just normal teenage behavior and "it's all hormones fault". I'm being looked down by my own parents despite I used to be a gifted kid. I'm a total loser that no one wants to be around. My family isn't financially stable and as the eldest child I'm a burden.... 1 2 replies
In my country just 8hrs left before christmas, feels like hopeless to celebrate. Merry Christmas to my fellow NEETS. Have a wonderful day even there's no reason to celebrate. 3 0 replies
Any other NEETS in 30's I started my long term NEET journey in November of 2023. Here I am kicking one year later How do you guys feel about being a NEET in your 30's? Is it your permanent solution? 1 5 replies
I was alright until highschool When I was 11,12 I had part time jobs. I used to do gardening in exchange for guitar lessons. I was doing alright. Then I went to highschool and was bullied constantly and have hidden in my room ever since. 5 0 replies
Comfy boi for life!! Imagine being on your death bed and all you have to look back on is work. I refuse to have that happen to me. My passion is to be comfy and play games and watch anime. I much rather spend my life doing this till I die instead of making somebody else rich. 1 2 replies
I might die. I haven't been able to eat anything, for the past two days. I tried to eat eggs this morning, but the smell made me vomit. My mom said I should call my doctor, and schedule an appointment. I'm too scared to, if I'm being honest. For reasons, I REALLY HATE doctors offices, and similar settings. They make me scared and depressed. I know I really should schedule a doctor's appointment, because there's a chance I have a health condition, that I don't know about. But I'm scared, I wish... 5 4 replies
I watched "it's a wonderful life" with my family and it reminded me of how repressed I am I actually really liked it while it wasn't comfortable to watch I still liked it. But the problem was I can't open up like that around my parents or little sister because she's a hideous brat and my dad just want me to submit to his every whim. And my mom's massive bloated ego won't let anybody criticize her. Fuck these people. I gotta get out of here. I wish I could hold the passion for change in my heart. But instead I just repress, give up, lose the... 2 1 replies
My sister will probably end up NEET even sooner than I did. She's 12, but goes to school, like, once a week, because she thinks that she feels unwell. She also really likes Joost Klein and vocaloids. She wanted a Hatsune Miku figurine for new year, so I bought it to her and now wait for it to arrive. Love my little spoiled brat. 3 2 replies
Free time is a curse This is how I feel right now. Boredom is fucking killing me. Yet I am not passionate or excited about anything. 2 6 replies
Do some of you just don't understand shit, I sure don't Especially when it comes to hobbies or anything productive for that matter, my brain just doesn't understand those things no matter how hard I try or commit to it. The only thing that makes sense to me is escapism (vidya, pron, food) and philosophy to some degree, everything else is too hard to understand for my brain. Just producing music, I'm still utter shit at it even after 8 years of practice and I still don't understand how to do it no matter how much research I do and... 1 6 replies
Quit my job I started this job the day before Thanksgiving 2023, it was a pretty cushy job. I was a caregiver part time, worked less than 20 hours. But I was just miserable doing that job. I thought working a job helping people would make me "fulfilled", cuz people always recommend helping others when you are depressed or whatever but I didn't feel any better about myself or life in general. All the same problems I had as a neet were still there. Poor eating habits, poor sleeping habits which led... 2 0 replies
I'm still trying but deep down I know it's over (23M, visibly autistic, crippling social anxiety, semi-mute, no passion) Over the past semester, I’ve been consistently showing up to class, reaching out to a few opportunities that led to an internship for the spring, and occasionally tried doing things independently. In the end, though, I think it is too late. Even though I wanted to and had nothing else to do I still sometimes could not force myself to go into class. The fear of the outside world and exposure to people was just too much sometimes. Also, the... 3 1 replies
Has anyone had success? Does anyone else have NEET friends? I tried making friends with fellow NEETs but every single person that reached out stopped messaging me. I get that social skills are probably rusty. Or maybe it was just me. But I am curious if there are people out there who have sustained a NEET friendship? 2 5 replies