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Today's job rejection email after a final round of interviews
Hi \_\_\_, I hope all is well and I wanted to get in touch with you as soon as I heard from the team. They've made the tough decision to move forward with other candidates for the position. They appreciated your website and graphic design skill. When it came down to a decision they felt other candidates were a closer match to their needs regarding storytelling and design process.I'm sorry it's not the best news, but we sincerely appreciate the time you spent interviewing with us. I wish you the very best in your search! Warmly, \_\_\_ It's been two years of extreme emotional ups and downs job seeking after getting laid off more than two years ago. I've tried my best, but it's just not good enough. Someone else can get a job, but for me, I don't think that I can. Whether it's bias or I'm just not doing something that suits my nature, or there are simply just too many good candidates right now, whatever it is, it's been 2 years of unemployment and excruciating emotional ups and downs. This whole time I've been working my ass off on my portfolio materials, applying, interviewing, and getting let down over and over. Getting criticisms in interviews, feeling like the panel sometimes just uses it as an opportunity to stunt on me and feel smart. Sometimes I know in my gut they just don't respect me. This whole time has been unpaid. The thing is I really want to work. I want a job, I want a steady career, I want to contribute and feel useful, and I want an income to pay my bills. And for that reason, I think someone has to say "stop you've had enough" with this industry. Every day, week, month, I spend chasing another job in my former industry is a day, week, or month I could've spent getting a job that's more realistically attainable. They will never say "stop applying it's over, you've had enough". They will continue to occasionally invite me to interviews only to reject me later. Whether it's to pad the candidate list, make an excuse that they interviewed so they can hire the cute girl or their college buddy, or that there simply are much better candidates, I'll never know. Whatever it is, it is irresponsible for me to continue on after 2 years of unwilling joblessness in my former industry to keep applying for jobs but not working, in this industry. I have to switch to something else eventually. The problem has been knowing when that is. But given that I passed the 2 year anniversary of my layoff last month, I think that, sadly, I have to move on now.5
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