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Since when wagie jobs where so difficult to get into??
I know wagie this wagie that. But I desperately need money and my parents are nagging me to apply somewhere so I”ll just apply and work minimum effort for max 2 months or something. Anyway. What the fuck. I got ghosted by mutliple Mcdonalds and also rejected by 3 of the closest Walmarts in my area. Also rejected or ghosted by a big chunk of nearby grocery stores and no way I’m applying even further as I’m not riding the bus for 40 mins to make 16 bucks an hour. So fucking confused. They all scream they’re “urgently hiring” yet it’s radio silence. And when I go to these stores there’s like only about 3 people working a big ass store. Also, I followed the ATS resume template, but even then, ink only shows I only have a highschool diploma so I can acknowledge it and guess it’s why I’m in a rut. I just don’t get why I’m supposed to be Albert Einstein to flip burgers or put cereal boxes on shelves. Rejected for lack of experience, yet can’t even get a chance to build experience to stop the rejection. Society is joke.4
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