Return to neet?
I left being a Neet during the Summer of this year since i wanted to move out of my home (current situation is bad living with schizophrenic family members screaming everyday, damp, moudly house falling apart as well) I hate nothing more then living with other people. I am nearly 21 and im living in UK for info. And yet even with working a job now for a while fulltime all my efforts to move out have failed. I have tried so many times in the past. I have tried applying to so many HMO's just for a single room and have had all the requirements (guarantor, references, income) and ghosted upon all of them. I have tried asking for council housing and i am so damn low on the list it will be years before i even get one. And i cant put my head towards why this is happening expect discrimination against young people. Even when you act mature and sensible, work hard you end up getting fucking nothing in return. I turn up to these things well groomed as well (so you dont think im turning up looking awful) One big reason why i have came to the neet gang today. Because when i ask normies for advise about housing i am meet back with "Bro you dont move out until your 26" "You are too young for your own place" "This is just how things are. Yet at the same time get told " Bro jobs will fix your problem bro" While at the same time so many youth have their own place to stay in University? While getting so many damn student loans and free money? Literally they are the ones telling me heading off to unverisity. Getting into the second round of things (The normies) tell me to either "get back into education bro" "You need that degree bro to pass in life" when i keep continually can't pass basic education like GCSE's (GEDs for the yanks) I tried an ICT course (failed) engineering course (failed) as you can tell as well i dropped out of secondery early as well. And i have literally 0 "Dream Jobs" (Slavery) that i even want to do. The second they say is "Join the army Bro" And yet everysingle time i have to tell them i wont get in since i got rejected in the past due to medical background check. The advice they give is awful. I feel like this subreddit and some others are the only place that understands one another, and what the true realities and harsh nature of life can be. Normies just sugar coat and say things to make themselfs feel better. I feel like just giving notice in and just quitting this stupid work, and more or less accecpt this is how life is going to be. Literally the only reason i worked was so that i could move out, my bills are all covered where i live i dont even need money and i have my savings to use. Life when i was a neet was good and awful in many ways. I miss having so much free time to play video games on my laptop, and not have to interact with teenaged normies who give less then 2 rats ass about you as a human (at the same time act so immature). I know i use the word "Normie" a lot but i wonder how much more to describe Neurotypical people. In awful ways was just having 0 at all to do. And not getting much in terms of exercise, or even lifting grocery boxes did help me in some certain ways. When you are covered by your family, i dont get what sense money has to me at all. Or like the title insists maybe i should go back to being a neet.3
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