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Recently hit my breaking point and going to try getting my Teaching Certificate
Something in me snapped recently. I was applying to jobs for a few months, while doing ebay. I feel like everyone and life is passing me by. I never have extra money to really enjoy my life. I live outside a major city and commute into it here and there, previously worked in it, but live outside by an hour because it's much cheaper and you get more space for your money. The opportunities are in the city though, for everything. That's where all the fun is too. I can't get hired there as employers say I live "too far". My small town area hardly has any jobs besides fast food and retail, and I can't get hired there. I recently applied to a job about 45 minutes away, but then the employer wants me to do a different location and shift, with a lower pay. They won't budget so I'm not working for them. I applied to a better location and pay, they're trying to force their busy shift (more work in a bad area) onto me. I can't do $16 an hour. I would have nothing leftover to enjoy my life. I'm 30. I've been to college, graduated, run an ebay business, and have recent experience as a retail manager. None of this matters and I still CANNOT get anything better than $16/hr! You expect me to trade basically my entire Monday to Friday in exchange for a small paycheck that doesn't allow me to really enjoy my life. Weekends are a mess, so busy and crowded, it takes even more time and energy to do errands then. I'm so fed up. Groceries are sky high, and everything just keeps going up. You can hardly get a fast food combo for $16 anymore. I've wrestled with teaching before, it pays about $60k a year to start in my area, and I struggle because of the amount of hours they want you to put in. Mentally I need to be OFF when I am home and not doing all this extra stuff. I tell myself I'll only do what's in my contract, not do all this Pinterest stuff and I won't go above and beyond. But I'm snapping. Teaching would pay me almost double what I can get otherwise, and I can always move then or just do subbing with a teaching certificate for extra money. I hate how society wants us to trade all this time, while not paying us enough. I hate that so many places want certificates which cost extra time and money, even when you already have a degree. I hate this whole system.3
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