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Normies rather pay to be "friends" with streamers than to actually be friends with you. [UNBELIEVABLE RELATE]
* Since I don't have any friends, I'm not up to date with news, trends, modernity, whatever, or follow anyone or anything, I only found out about this only now, but it seems that for some time now, people have been paying membership to join streamer discord groups, to chat with streamers, to watch movies with streamers... ... and the streamers don't even hide it: • In their YouTube videos, they directly thank the people who pay them. Each live stream, the guys receive several payments, every minute is $5, $10, $50, and I've even seen almost $100, and I'm talking about small streamers, almost unknown channels, people pay to be just one of thousands. NOW if you're someone LIKE ME, ordinary but with hobbies, projects, time to chat, they IGNORE YOU, BLOCK YOU, GHOST YOU... ... What happened to this world? Do you think I'm still going to work? I'm NOT EVEN GOING TO LEAVE THE HOUSE anymore. I HATE you! What a bunch of shitty humans! And I won't even say it's this generation now because I see guys in their 30s with this attitude. Maggots! Motherfuckers!1
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