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ive been a complete shut-in neet for too many years; im not sure i can ever imagine having a normal life at this point.
the one thing that made me feel accomplished in so long, after failing the first time, i built a shelf that stands tall in my room. sure, it could definitely be seen as a step forward as far as general motivation goes, but this shelf is not to hold my clothes or anything important. i bought it and made it to display my collection of visual novels. i guess its good to have something in my room that reminds me that im capable of hard work, but i only wanted to make it because it makes me feel satisfied to stare at my collection. all of the money i got for my birthday and from the holiday, i just spent all of it on games. i could have put it towards something that could help me. when my dad asked me what i wanted for my birthday, despite initially saying nothing, i asked if he could give me money to fix my graphics card with it is true that my graphics card was having a lot of issues and i really wanted to take it to a repair place. but i just ended up making up an excuse and spending it on more visual novels, a figure, and a snack. maybe its because i dont have a regular income to keep me in line, but im a very irresponsible spender. though i believe thats due to my bpd. i waste money just because i can and i feel nothing from it. im an impulsive human being. maybe its not such a crime to spend birthday money on things that would bring me joy, but thats all i ever do with money. i feel bad for my therapist. i guess its her job, but i am really not a good patient. the self-esteem homework she gave me on one of my first appointments is still sitting in my room unfinished. i got stuck on the "positive" questions. it started to hurt trying to think of positive traits about myself and the like. i have one page left still. i really need to finish it and bring it in soon, but i always say that. i say ill do things and then blame it on my horrible short-term memory when i dont get them done, but i do remember it every now and then i just think "ill do it tomorrow". so many things im supposed to do tomorrow now that i think about it. so many things that i never got done tomorrow. and its my fault; why dont i just do something now? am i really that useless? im realizing something that i wish was not true, but im pretty sure i classify as an incel. so long ago i gave up on my appearance because it would send me into deep depressive and suicidal episodes looking in the mirror. it is true; i feel objectively unlovable. i am not just very unattractive. i am an abomination of nature. even when i did try, nothing can change my biology. except i guess cosmetic surgery. but im too poor for that. i went to the dentist today. i lied about preparing to go to community college when asked what i was doing. i enjoyed it but not as much as i usually do because it feels shameful to be my age and not a contributing member of society. and i know that my teeth have become less white over the past few years. suddenly it didnt feel as good to have people looking at them, despite nothing ever being wrong with them apparently. i used to think of myself as a leech, but i realized thats wrong. a leech sucks away at another life for its own benefit. i am more like a caged animal. i didnt really choose to be here, but i know i cant survive on my own beyond this house. despite the horrible memories cemented into every corner of my home, i get very anxious leaving it. i hate being in cars. i get motion sick. i get anxious. i get anxious the further away from the house i get, the longer im inside a car. the only place that i ever really feel at peace in is a hospital. even being in an ambulance, i had a very bad panic attack once, almost stuck a pair of scissors into my throat because i felt like i couldnt breathe until i threw up and my throat got less tense. i was naked, in a complete state of panic and anxiety. it felt like i was definitely dying. but the moment they lifted me into the ambulance, the world felt more comfortable and i stopped shaking. im so dependent on others. all i really want is for a nurse to take care of me and do everything for me. i cant do anything myself. ive never been hugged before, and i know that so much of my issues stem from a deprivation of affection. i just want to be in a hospital forever. for a very long time at least. my mom pressured me out of doing inpatient treatment and it was one of the worst choices ive made. that could have prevented all this utter deterioration. even if i do get obsessed with people and even if i do develop very unhealthy attachments to others, i dont actually want to ever be in a relationship. why would i want to do this to someone? at least its a nurse and a doctors job to take care of useless things like me. i just want to be cared for in a hospital. this house will never do anything for me. nothing ever goes right though. im never going to escape this lifestyle. my mental problems have done nothing but get so much worse since this all began. theres only so many years i can live where my biggest accomplishment is cleaning my room. this is no life. i do run from everything. but its not just escapism. this is just a state of having completely given up and accepting what is. im not escaping when i spend all day doing playing a visual novel or laying on my floor or watching videos. im just accepting reality. i am not of reality. and i do not really belong here. this room will be my coffin. it is what it is. some people are just cursed. no one is born equally. there was never a successful life ahead of me being born with all my neurological issues. it may even be slightly cruel to force an autistic person to live. this is just torture. and as long as my cat is alive, i cant possibly do anything. to essentially force her to become depressed and starve herself to undernourishment and eventual death would be evil. i love her too much. ill die after she goes. ill just have to suffer in the meantime. ive tried to be selfish before, i ran away once and started walking down the road, looking for a place to jump. i made it quite some distance away from my house. the moment i thought of my cat, i burst into tears and start walking back home. in retrospect, asking for a cat was the worst thing i could have done to myself. as much as i want to tell myself that she would be happier with someone else, i acknowledge that she is very happy with me. "my cat loves me" is the only thing i was ever able to write down on my self-esteem homework for "positive aspects of myself". i am just empty. and lonely. i used to have two friends but one of them threatened to stop being my friend because of the way that i am. we didnt end it there, but i became very obsessive over everything she did from then on and decided we should stop being friends for the time being. that is actually the third time weve stopped being friends. well probably be friends again someday. so yes, im really good at relationships and my relationships are very stable. the last person i fell in "love" with ended up, in her words, "resenting" me. it is true that i was not cursed with bpd from birth, but maybe it was always destined to end up this way. this is what happens when you are neglected. this is what happens when you are taken advantage by everyone around you because you didnt know any better. this is what happens when you are born into this world with the inability to understand others or be understood. this is what happens when youre born a punching bag because you have such a high pain tolerance. i wasnt allowed to hang out with anyone who wasnt "his" friend. he took away my ability to learn how to make friends. he controlled me until i could move to a different school from him. he made sure i knew everyday how stupid and useless i was. Yet, he gets to apologize so many years later, redeem and better himself and continue to live a great spoiled rich kid life. i dont get any of that. i get to die in the same bed i slept in when i was 14. i get to live with debilitating mental illnesses. everyone else gets to move on. everyone who traumatized me gets to become a better person. do i just exist to have my hair pulled, be punched, pinched, degraded, belittled, yelled at, so other more valuable human beings dont have to go through that? just for those angry and narcissistic souls to reflect on and develop as a person? i am a hurt magnet. for the past few years, well i suppose now ive kind of gotten better at not doing it, but i struggled to ever think of myself as a human being. it doesnt matter that i told myself i was factually a human being. my brain wouldnt recognize me as anything but a doll. it doesnt even make sense. i have thought of myself like that since the person who threatened to stop being my friend said it was "cringe" that i would confide in her and tell her that. i really struggle to open up to people. i went through 4 or so therapists until i found one i could open up. maybe its because i suddenly want to never open up to someone again, but ever since she sent me that harsh paragraph, ever since she told me that my feelings were "cringe", ive been unable to really open up to anyone i know anymore. i cant tell people things anymore. well, "people", as if i have more than one friend. whatever. i just want attention. i feel like im suffocating if i go too long without attention. despite not having more than 1-2 friends, i have in the past joined groups online or servers because people give me attention. and then one day i snap and disappear from their lives forever. its all my fault, basically. everything is just my fault. i used to seek attention from malicious strangers online. strangers who would reaffirm that im useless and deserve everything ive gotten. a long time ago, 2 ex-friends ( i guess ?) of mine, told me some things that werent good for my brain. the first person was jealous that i was close with someone they wanted to be close with. they would tell me about how they fantasized about brutally murdering me and stomping on my head until it was indiscernible mush. it took me many months to fully internalize all of that, and i had a hysterical episode and blocked his number and all of his social media presence. few years later, someone else who i guess was obsessed with me decided to tell me about how they had fantasies of ra ping me and "worse" (whatever that means). eventually i said ididnt want to be friends anymore, but it wasnt immediate. because i only stopped being friends because someone told me to. in reality, their words only supported my self-hatred and the feeling that i was nothing but a doll. and i did not really feel allowed to deny someone for thinking something like that and telling me. what do my feelings matter? in high school, a boy randomly flashed me his genitals. my vision was blurry the rest of the day because my brain couldnt really comprehend what it just saw. all i know is that there was some pixelated flesh in the opening of his pants. its all noise though. i think it was supposed to be "funny" to him, In my eyes, i just took it as another sign that i am merely an object and i dont deserve respect. I used to give random men on the internet attention and send them inappropriate pictures because thats all they really wanted they were just creeps who wanted to get off. And i was well aware but i gave them what they wanted anyways. because i am a disaster human being. One man left a strong impression in my memory. he told me that i should embrace that i am just a useless doll and run away and become his personal sex slave. I thought he was probably right. someone told me to block them and stop talking to random men. i obliged because of course they would know better than me. i dont know anything. ill do what someone else says. they know better than me. they know whats good fo rme. what do i know. nothing. theres no reason to this post. i accept what i am. i accept what my life will be for the remainder of it. i accept that i am a disappointment. i accept that i make my mothers life so much harder, even if she has gotten used to this. i will continue to be a shut-in neet, and i will get even worse. that is all3
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