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First day of work review
Very swag. Easy peasy, I was cutting towels into 1/3 to turn them into rags using a machine and stacking them into a box. Afterwards I cleaned the bathrooms while listening to music, vacuumed the floor and emptied trash cans. A LOT of dust and felt nauseated when cleaning bathroom cuz certain cleaning chemical smelled very similar to vomit. But I felt pretty good! I did manual labor and I got paid for it!! Yippee!! I was entirely covered in dust but that Benjamin felt so special cuz I worked for it and it was honest work. Since this is just once a week, I wanna try to find another part time job for extra income and work on art on off days. Probably won’t be posting here as much now since I’m no longer a NEET, but NEETdom is something I’ve experienced since 2020 so I do feel a lot for my NEET dawgs. I’ll still occasionally lurk and leave comments. Thanks, I wouldn’t have been able to make as speedy of a recovery without you guys. This was one of my most embarrassing part of about myself that’s been bothering me for a while so having a community to share those feelings kinda broke me out of my schizo path. (You guys are very real and not just figments of my imagination I’ve made up based on past interactions, I love that for us.) I still got a long way to go, from normie pov I’m just lowest of low wagie lol. (Am I even a wagie if I work once a week and get paid under the table?) Hopefully I can reach financial independence within my 20s.3
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