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Feel like I've fallen way too behind to "catch up" at this point
29 y.o. I'm not even talking about being succesful in some field, that was my idea of catching up for many years. I'd be content with just being able to hold any simple job in general at this point. I've been fired from every single job I've ever had despite trying my best. The years of isolation have turned my brain to mush. I cannot process instructions quickly, I cannot communicate effectively, I can't connect socially with coworkers because I cannot relate to their problems whatsoever, so they end up ostracizing me. Any mistakes I make are amplified and less likely to be brushed off since I'm not perceived as their buddy. When push comes to shove I'm always the first one to get fired. Employers have no reason to be patient with a slower, weird guy when there's literally 200 people with more desirable qualities waiting in line ready to fill your position at a moment's notice. I'm not a basement dweller who's just speculating random bullshit, I'm speaking from repeated experience. Sorry for the rant. Being neurodivergent sucks.5
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