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Did anyone else get forced into NEET life by their parents?
I was a neet for 3 years, from 18-21. Not as unlucky as a lot of the other people here, but I still felt like sharing my story. My dad was always a really controlling guy and wasn't afraid to get mean/physical either... He didn't let me do ANYTHING until he retired. His justification was that "as your father, I want to have 100% control over your transition into adulthood, so wait until I have the time to do that". His retirement date kept getting pushed back, and I ended up becoming a NEET for 3 years while waiting for him to retire. I had no friends to go to, and I knew I was a pretty nerdy kid and probably wouldn't be able to handle starting life out getting kicked out with nothing, so I didn't try running away. Even after my dad retired, though, he did very little for me. He basically just started living for himself in his retirement. He offered no guidance or help and continued to refuse to let me work or practice driving (I live in a car-dependent area with no jobs in walkable distance). My mom and her family eventually decided to go behind my dad's back, get me my driver's license, and let me borrow a family car so that I could start working. When my dad found out I had a job, my mom and her family convinced him to let me keep working after an argument. He was offended, but begrudgingly accepted things. Despite all that, my dad takes the credit for, in his words, "turning my life around" (he was the one who put me in that situation in the first place), although he has at least apologized for some of his behavior back then. I'm glad I got out of being a NEET when I did. It'd be basically impossible to get out now, given my dad's mental health. A couple of years ago, my dad went down a gangstalking rabbit hole, and he is basically afraid to go outside of the house by this point. Now he's getting a taste of his own medicine.3
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