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Scam by (f) in Vashi Satra plaza " FoMo Lounge "
So this happened to me very recently and I wanted to bring this scam infront of all who are in any dating apps. So I have heard a lot about females calling to lounge and looting and this finally happened. A female matched me in tinder. Like a very average looking guy I felt happy and took the conversation ahead. We initiated to meet and damn She agreed bro so quick !! Like I couldn't believe myself a match getting convinced because of my conversation soo quick that she was all ready to meet in hours like wow ! I was confused to doubt my skills or to doubt the situation. Anyway I thought let the game be played... I was called to meet at Satra Plaza, while I said no to satra Plaza because I am a resident of vashi and I am done with loud music so I planned for a bar or a Cafe maybe. But she said she is new to vashi and living near to satra Plaza and she is geographically challenged hence I am like okay cool let Satra Plaza be fixed. I felt fishy to be honest and I had these scams running in my head. I called her up she asked me to come to 2nd floor... that kinda gave me a thought... I said no to 2nd floor and I am very familiar to clubs in ground floor like orange mint, live it up, ringout I said to come down. And during the conversation I asked if she is coming alone or with friends so that I thought I will accompany my friends if she is comfortable. But damn.. she was just being adamant to 2nd floor FoMo club. I am like I am not coming... while I was on call with her a guy passing by heard me talking. He looked definitely smart and a sad face. He asked me are you awaiting for someone ? I am like yes kind of. Waiting for my frind. He thought that's my frind whom I am waiting for so he kinda walked 2 steps ahead apologizing. But !! I was not convinced I asked kya scene... he is like bro fraud hua! I am like kyu ! He said the same story that I just came through.... He met this female " Yuni " on tindr she took him to this club called FoMo and she made him bill for 10k and she left of. And once he was out from the club he again went inside the club but the owner and staff denied him to step in back. I am like Fuck... that poor guy came all the way from Andheri. I just felt like escape from a big trap just because of him. I didn't know what and how to react. She called me up saying she is waiting for me in FoMo club I said I am waiting for her at Ringout club. And this just ended. This club is definitely new and these kind of scam marketing is definitely to be bought to limelight. Avoid this club and Guys... This is personally faced by me and I don't want others to be prey of such scams hence writing this big essay. Be Safe Stay Away from FoMo Lounge, Satra Plaza Vashi, Navi Mumbai3
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