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What can we do to pressure the government to take note of the pollution issue?
So, a few people are talking about the pollution. Not as many as should be, but they are. The ONLY way to affect any change is to make some noise. Get the government to realise that people are not complacent. Make this important to them so they continue to get votes. The reason the present government is going ham on religious symbolism is because they think that will get them votes, and it is important to turn the tides around. For anyone who mentions that this is the individual's responsibility- NO. I am a student of environmental policy. IT IS THE GOVERNMENT'S RESPONSIBILITY- FIRST AND FOREMOST. There needs to be POLICY AND REGULATIONS to curb this stuff at every level. It's a free for all for real estate developers and industrialists currently. The BMC needs to create a strict climate action plan and present it to the public. SO, there are plenty of smart people on here. What can be done? At the very least- Instagram campaigns directly targeting Fadnavis so more newspapers start covering it and talking about it? Protests on the ground? If they can get Fadnavis to have to comment to STUPID things such as BeerBiceps comments, we can do this. Let him know that we aren't stupid and aren't going to be silent. Let's discuss ideas!1
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