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Thousands of Pink Chaddis
Does anyone still remember this? Around 2010, thousands of pink chaddis were sent by women all over India to some political fanatics who were threatening to forcefully put mangalsutras on unmarried women seen with men on Valentine’s Day. It was a non-violent protest and the message was crystal clear- We're tired of ya'll fu\*king with our lives. The mainstream media HAD to cover it, and the politicians who made that statement actually asked for protective custody because they were terrified of receiving an avalanche of pink chaddis at their homes. Such a simple, strong, and effective way to send a message. In today’s world, it’s so easy to send a message that’s non-violent, but can still embarrass the hell out of politicians, mentally mess with them, and force them to do the right thing. Kudos to the women who keep our politicians in constant fear of pink chaddis being slingshotted into their homes. Anyone else knows of cases like this?1
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