Looking for Extraordinary Mumbaikars with Inspiring Stories!
Hello, good people of r/mumbai! I'm currently developing a content series for a consumer brand based in Mumbai, and I could really use your help. We're focusing on individuals who are doing extraordinary things in their lives or have unique stories tied to their work or passions. For example, one of our features was about a cobbler who went viral after using a famous line from an SRK movie in his marketing—and yes, he even got to meet SRK! Another story covered a professional who balances a 9-5 job but pursued his passion for music and ended up collaborating with Netflix on a series. Most recently, we profiled an aspiring Olympian who practices breakdancing at night and runs his carwash business during the day. The idea is to highlight individuals who are underrepresented but are breaking away from the ordinary despite life's challenges. We've realized that finding these stories isn't as easy online, so we're turning to this community for help. If you know someone with a story that needs to be told, please let me know. I'll sponsor your dinner for every successful referral that leads to a shoot! Help a fellow Mumbaikar out? Thanks for your support! :)3
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