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Is it weird for a prof to dance at her college's fest?
Hi everyone sorry for the weird line of questioning but i am new to Mumbai and i am not aware about the intricate differences in the culture of Mumbai and my home state Kerela So to keep you to pace, basically i am an assistant professor at a college and teach to undergrad students, now i am a very professional person but something weird happened recently So basically our college has a fest and i was looking to actually do a dance performance of Bharat Natiyam in it, nothing too "western" as the college sternly put it so i really wanted to showcase my talent However one of our senior professors told me its very uncommon and also "culturally wrong" for a professor to dance in front of her students She told me indirectly that already a few students have a crush on me (for some reason) and therefore me dancing would just be stroking the flames But she has still given me an option of whether or not to do it, so I thought why not ask the Mumbai subreddit if this is fairly common1
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