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Comfort zone - moving from a Honda CB300R to a CB350RS
Jeez, what a change. The 300r is effortless the way it carries itself, That engine and it's sublime 6 speed gearbox, the seat, suspension, brakes, and it's weight management all come together to give you a very pure, distilled experience. I mean, look at the welds, the cable management, the list is endless but to put it shortly, you could say - Peak engineering. The 350 with it's 2 valver, low compression ratio engine and loong gear ratios, and added weight takes some time to get used to. When you do, it is bit of a joy to ride. The gearbox on the 350 is something else. After riding a lot of bikes where you had to shift to the highest gear as soon as possible, this one is different. On the 350, you better take your sweet time to shift gears or else it feels slow. It do be essentially a 4 speeder! Of course the thing I like most about it is its refinement. I detest vibration esp. at the pegs and the 350, 95 percent of the time - it has none. After chasing refinement for what seems like a really long time, this bike seems to be the Unicorn! The suspension and seat on this does seem a bit stiff. Maybe adjusting the preload to the softest setting, and a seat mod helps a bit? Question for the owners If you are still reading - I hear a thunk on the front while hitting a sudden bump on the road. Is this normal or is it a coneset thing? TLDR in gaming terms 300R - dualweilding a light sword / rush everywhere, light speed 350RS - hammer or heavy axe. Take it easy, keep left. Satisfying thunk when you land a hit.3
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