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Squeezed stranger’s ass in the bus this morning
Squeezed stranger’s ass in the bus this morning Soo this happened today morning around 9,i was heading to my college in Karnataka.the college is around 30 kms away from my house i trallvel by bus So basically in karnataka the bus have been divided 2 two section the front seats are women and backside seats are for the men. When i got in the bus there were no seats in the back so i went i little forward (which is baciscally ladies seat) sat there beside a female(she is irrelevant as she is in the window seat and i am beside to her ).After few stops the bus got crowded as it is a peaktime around 9am .As the bus was crowded a female(around 23-25)she was familiar as we had the same bus stop (which is manipal)and we had lil chat before.I smiled and and she smiled back too(I offered her seat and she declined and she said you need it more than me or something i don’t remember) As the the bus started moving she took the help of the poll and use it as a back support (there are poles middle of the buses so that it can be helpful) as she leaned towards the poll the back of her is facing me. For some time nothing really happened as we were in NH,as the bus got in the service line (service line road as bad as fuck) the whole bus started to shake as there are many potholes. When the bus shakes people in the bus start to lose balance and it happened to her too,as she lost lil balance her ass touched my wrist(my wrist was on my thigh)i looked up and she smiled and gained her started the happen every 20 sec or so.she couldn’t do much but readjust her balance.suddenly buses break was slammed and she lost balance and slightly leaned on my hand (so basically her ass was on my hand ) As she couldn’t do much we exchanged smiles and said ughhh these bus man.I smirked a bit and tired to bulid a convo which i failed 😭 As the bus continued and her ass would constantly touch my wrist (which was closed) I decided open my finger (idk y ) now I fingers constantly touch her ass. I didnt think she noticed but my finger tips would touch her ass. Idk y but i started to like it. )She wore a black top and a dark grey trousers which were not that thin and not that fat as jeans.i would intentionally touch her with my finger.when bus stoped for a stop i touched her ass but this time i made it obvious.she looked down for a bit and looked up again.Still she didnt move away from me(there was a space where she could have moved but didnt). From that moment i kinda knew she did liked it. I started to make obvious touches and suddenly i felt something it was her panty line (i dont know the name but side part if underwear which sligty thicker)i touch it again and again.we were literally 2-3 stops away from out stop.suddenly she bent her and pretended to adjust herself and slightly leaning pretended to push her ass away with my palm of my hand touching her ass and i did something I squeezed her ass a little( I literally squeezed someone’s ass in bus 😭)and she gasped and i got a stare my fellow seated passenger. I got scared and stood up and started to excuse myself to the door as the stop reached. Eventually she got out to and made a eye contact and i smiled and she smiled back too we went our ways.. She was kinda hot but she on a fatter side.(btw she a had a dumptruck so i was able to enjoy) I am M18 college student(single) and didn’t had any intention to do something like this but it happened😭.I dont want to you guys to think i am some kind a creep😭.literally couldn’t sleep so I thought to share thiss2
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