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Reservation is getting out of hand
Today I went into my college library, and as I dont go much in college so obviously I dont know much about its library since it was my 2nd time going there, I wanted to issue some books but what happened with me there literally frustrated me and gave me a huge shock. For context, I study in a govt. college and as we know there is a proper reservation system for getting admission into govt. college, well whether its right or wrong is an entirely different matter. BUT, as I went to library, I asked the peoun sitting there, which shelf has books of "CSE Department" (since the rows with mech/electrical and civil engineering were marked, but CSE wasnt). Now what should be the first question of the librarian?? He asked me are you General or OBS or SC/ST?? I told him I am General... then he pointed to a row of shelves and said that "Ye do shelves SC/ST walo ke hai", baki ke 5 rows gen and OBC ke liye, aur CS ki books is row me hai" I was stunned for a second there, like wtf I just heard? we arent even allowed to access those rows of books? But at that time I had other things going in my mind, and I needed those books urgently so just went to CSE row and searched for those books, then came another shocker while I went to the issue counter. I learned that General category students can issue only "2" books at a time, OBC's can issue "3", while Sc/ST's can issue upto "5"? LIKE WHAT? It literally made me frustrated thinking about it.. I have nothing against those people, infact I have many friends who are SC/ST, and I understand the need for reservation since many students from extremely underdeveloped regions dont get those resources to study.. BUT BUT BUT, those people already got reservation in JEE, and hence came here to study while literally having half of the scores of us general category people.... Okay fine.. Then, we have to pay full fees, but they have their fees exempt, and ALSO get scholarships from college... Still fine... But, literally reservation is resources?? In a central library of a college? THIS MUST NOT BE HAPPENING AT ANY COST WHATSOEVER, having 2 entire rows separately for them which nobody else can access, and they can issue f\*cking 5 books at a time while we can only 2? WHY SO? Me and they people are studying same course, from the same time, AND I AM PAYING MORE FEES THAN THEM, but I cant f\*cking issue more than 2 books? WHY? theres absolutely no need for such shitty rules in a LIBRARY. We call libraries as "vidya ka mandir", and then theres reservation in a mandir? Well, I am more than shocked with what happened with me today and I hope these typa shitty rules can go to hell and it should be balanced out, like atleast it shouldnt be in a library!!!!3
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