Where to buy good and affordable slides footwear? Is there any offline shops with decent affordable pricing or do i need to order online? 4 0 replies
Best Bars in Kochi to have a beer Hey folks! Me and my friend are visiting kochi tomorrow and we wanted to have a couple of beers during our visit. Any suggestions for affordable bars with a good ambience and a place where we can smoke inside the bar(rooftop preferrably). Also areas to avoid to not get caught for drunk driving😁. Thanks in advance. 2 0 replies
Dlife vs Rak vs Boutique Designers I am confused between so many options for interiors. How can I select the right one for my project 4 0 replies
Relationship therapists Going through a rough patch in our LDR. Me and my partner really want to work on this. Does anyone know couple therapists in kochi who could provide online sessions? This is our last resort. Please help!! 1 0 replies
How much do script writers make for a film in Kerala? Say it is written by someone who has done 3-4 scripts and is produced by one of the top producers. I know it varies but what's the range like. Anyone with genuine knowledge of the industry here? 2 0 replies
Good Mobile Service Centers in kochi hey fellow cocos i currently reside at kochi. im using a redmi phone and i think its battery backup has been reduced by time. when i quired in redmi service center they told me a X amount and thrise the price id it is a board isuue. im not confident about how these people handle the product and i must say the price was wayyy expensive than what i thought it could be. so can u guys help me out here. 4 0 replies
Metro students day pass. I wanted to get a day pass today from cusat station and they told me that the student pass has been stopped. Anyone know why? 3 0 replies
Looking for second hand bikes Hi as suggested I am looking for shops which sells second hand bike like FZ V3 or Hornet 2.0 at a price of 70-85k. Can you guys suggest me some good trusted stores which sells these 5 0 replies
Who's Responsible for Cleaning Up Illegal Dumping on Private Land in Kochi? I'm in the process of inheriting a property in Kochi (partition agreement underway). My parents owned this land within the city limits, about 300 meters from a Kochi Metro station. The land was well-maintained and cleared of vegetation annually until their recent passing a year ago. Due to the pending partition, the land hasn't been cleaned for the past year. Last week, we discovered a large amount of garbage dumped onto the property. The gate was broken, and the compound walls were breached to allow for the dumping. Removing... 3 0 replies
where to find mulak baaji? I have been craving for mulak baaji for awhile but chaya kadas don't please tell me places to get them. 2 0 replies
Where to sell my gaming desktop? I have an entry level gaming desktop, which I’m planning on selling, but I’m not finding any customers…failed to find any on olx..is there any shops in and around kochi that will buy this off of me or even exchange?? 3 0 replies
Best food delivery apps? What are some trustworthy food delivery apps used in Kochi? Like it should be hygienic and neat. Some suggestions would be amazing. Thanks! 1 0 replies
Study partner - USMLE Step 1 Hey guys. Saw a post where someone studying for NEETPG looking for a study partner and I thought it was a good idea. If you’re in kochi and preparing for USMLE step 1, please do ping me. Looking for a study partner to be accountable with and maybe study together in common places. 3 0 replies
Maradu flat owners now Hi , Does anyone know if the demolished maradu flat owners got their compensation money from the respective builders? 3 0 replies
Study partner- Neet PG I was wondering if anyone is preparing for Neet PG here. Exam is in June and I can't focus while preparing from home. It would be of great help if you suggest study groups or libraries. 1 0 replies
Compact Keyboard for Laptop I am looking for a small keyboard to use with my laptop. Have anyone used any of these? I am unsure about the build of these. Do suggest if you there are any other options. 4 0 replies