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I am so messed up...joined an offline jee batch near my house and i didnt go regularly and got serious quite late, created lots of backlog..I tried covering it but im still not confident..I an thinking of shifting to online study
I am so messed up...joined an offline jee batch near my house and i didnt go regularly and got serious quite late, created lots of backlog..I tried covering it but im still not confident in basic chpters like kinematics, vectors, intgeration ,moles,etc...I am scoring teriribly less in tests.....a little background is that I've never faced such kinda failure before and even though I took it positively at first..mann,its really fuckingme up now that 11th is almost over...Ive stopped going to classes regualrly just going for tests(cause im forced to)..reason maybe is that Ive never been in such an environment to go out and zi nd study my whole life(i was a topper initially but never attneded a tuition and i am kindoff an introvert) so going everyday is like drianing my energy a lot...i have to take time and prepare myself metally to go next day and after coming back I'm not able study a word..from 8:30-5:30 or someties from 11am...on top of it ,my school friend and I took a admission together there..but I was such a dumbass , shouldnt have done that cause being friends with her hs nly brought problems ,it was just fun till 7th grade..shes super competivtive (well thats good) but she just couldnt see anyone specially her closest people achieve more or outperform even at at this point its more like being in toxicity and feeling ike shit to be around such people..I HAVE NO MOTIVATION TO WAKE UP EVERDY AND GO THERE...and as said before i HAVE to ultimately watch videos for on youtube for almost everychapter cause I am falling behind....and I amunderstading better in less time at hom, makes me think theres no point of attending oflline classes as i am unabe underastnd shit there...on top of it,the faculty is always complainig abt my attendance( no big issue thats there job but i cant take in anymore)..alll this sstuff together is extremely exhausting for and i can barely study seriusly...I really think of leaving this offline place but obviously my PARENTS...I still have 1 year my 12th grade and maybe if I take an early decision and step out of this shit and join some online class..and practise alot(afterall jee needs hell lotof pratcice) maybe i coud crack and prove my mum wrong who whenever i dont go classes naggs that ;'you should quit jee and do normal 11th' I REALY NEED SOME SUGGESTIONS ABOUT THIS..IT WOULD BE EXTRMELY HELPFUL❤️ CAUSE I AM REALLY STUCK ( and ignore the typos hehe)3
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