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Society harrasing due to pet dog.
Hi! So we have a 2 year old dog and we live in a 3 BHK flat. Our dog goes to terrace for an hour in morning and in evening in the duration when no one is usually there. He is an extremely active dog who loves to be friends with people but his love language (being a dog ) is bark. Sometimes people get scared of him and we immediately bring him back downstairs. It's been 2 years since we are living here and it's been a constant battle with society people everyday. Initially they reprimanded us to not take him to common porch area and we obliged. Then they said to decide set timings when he is on terrace and then also we obliged. Now they again have issues with him and now they are asking us to keep him in the flat 24*7 and not take him outside or on terrace ever. It's a very active dog breed and we can't just keep him in our small flat 24*7, he becomes very hyper. He needs to run a bit and play to get the energy out. We do have a dog walker who takes him to walk thrice a day . I find it extremely unfair that society people now wants us to not take him to terrace ever, terrace is a common area and every flat owner has equal rights to it. Our society people have weird parties every other day, blast music on high volume, call shady people every other day, they openly smoke and drink on terrace on various occasions but we aren't allowed to take our dog there? What can I do? Can any NGO or anyone help me?2
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