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Maturity is realising that not shaming people for their clothing choices is actually the classiest of all- in frame: alfiya
what is classy and what is modest is a subjective opinion. what can be elegant/classy for one cannot be for another. fashion choices, opinions, and preferences are very personal. you can not just call out others based on what you assume is, "classy". and let's be honest here. her choice of wearing "modest" is highly influenced by her rel!gion. can be her personal choice too, but this fact cannot be denied. so something that is not completely based on your personal choices, using that to call out other girls who do "skin show" is very distasteful. someone who screams "girlies" in all her videos is now shaming "girlies" based on personal fashion choices. she was someone whose content I liked to watch but again she proved herself to be like the rest of all these "content creators" who use rage-bait content to draw attention. Very low of her. and honestly, who the hell does she think of herself to make judgments on what is classy and what is not?5
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