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Racism against Indians is one thing. But every bad thing now done by any random brown person, Pakistani/Bangladeshi/Nepali also adds to anti India hate.
There has been the whole anti India hate wave on social media and elsewhere growing. There have been many posts, articles and videos on this. In these discussions, the usual points and consensus arrived include:
- Racism against Indians is suddenly considered ok. This is not ok and it shouldn’t be tolerated.
- Anti India people like people of certain other nations and communities add to this to flame the hatred and propaganda.
- Though racism is not ok, India and many Indians really do need to do a lot better when it comes to civic sense, cleanliness etc and need to work on these things big time.
However I’m bringing up a different point. Something more to do with unnecessary added negativity.
A problem of identity and attribution.
- The random brown person of another country: A brown person who is a US/Canada/Mauritius/Malaysian/UK/Guyana/Australian etc citizen and don’t even identify as ‘Indian’ as they have been in those countries for generations. Even still, any wrongdoing from these groups absurdly gets added to anti India and anti Indians hatred.
But they’re not Indians? Maybe distant heritage wise or genetically.
Why is a random brown person have anything to do with India and Indians?
But then let’s look at white Americans. If a white Caucasian American throws trash and has some Italian ancestry the hate is not anti Italy? If an African American whose great great grandparents came from South Africa did a crime in New York, people don’t suddenly go hating on South Africa and South Africans?
Then why the hate on Indians and India when some random brown person misbehaves in Canada?
2. The misdeeds of others from people of the ‘Subcontinent’:
Any brown person from the hundreds of millions of people of Bangladesh/Pakistan/Nepal/Sri Lanka/Maldives are also thought to be Indian and from India unless specified. So a guy from Bangladesh is caught peeing in London on the street. The hate is automatically associated with India and Indians. It’s very easy for east asians, africans and whites to do this. And we also know first hand how Pakistanis and Bangladeshis abroad often introduce themselves as being from India just to escape further judgement/bias.
Look what I’m saying is we are 1.4bn people. We have our own issues to fix. We need to really strive to be civil, clean and fix our image. Also as we grow economically and do better, these things will stop. Historically even the Japanese and later Chinese went through this period.
But this additional burden of also being blamed for the misdoings of hundreds of millions of non Indians also being pinned to us sucks.
Calling any of them as Brown person rather than Indian has to be normalised.
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