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Left right left and it's problematic relationships
I'm just here to rant about Naina and rajveer's relationship here. Most of the people who have seen the show ship them so badly. But how do we always end up forgetting that they are in a teacher student hierarchy within kma. The age limit for entry to NDA is between 16 and 19 years. And Kma tries to be a similar kind of academy. So we can safely assume Naina and the others are like below 20 years of age and this is a stretch. Rajveer is a captain and u make a captain only after serving the army for an average of 6 years. So let's say rajveer joined the army at 20 and then he trained for 3 years (which is the training duration in NDA) and then he served for 6 years at least so during the show he has to be atleast 29 years of age or more. My point being that there is roughly a staggering 10 years of age gap between the 2. And the age gap is the least of my worries about this ship. They are teacher and student. Rajveer is clearly in a position of power and authority over Naina and she is also quite young, easily influenced - everything a groomer would love their prey to be. I'm not at all saying rajveer groomed her. If anything he groomed her to be a soldier and nothing more. But my point is that rajveer should never have fallen for a student in the first place. What about this naive, hot headed, revenge driven young girl is making her attractive to him, I don't understand. Their ship is literally orchestrated right from the initial days when he carries her to the infirmary after she was hung upside down by Nair. Pooja could not stop romanticising the whole thing. It wasn't love, it was decency for God's sake. And they keep doing things that make u want to ship them. Like naina and rajveer hugging each other when talking about Naveens death, after naina is psycho analyzed etc etc. The show keeps shipping them over and over again and we keep eating it up. I say we because even though it bothers me, I still like seeing the tension between them. Even the popular red saree scene, I kept screaming at my phone for rajveer to stop staring at your student. At this point he has realised he's fallen for her but knows not to act on it and still proceeds to stare and gawk. Even though it was bothering and I cringed, I still liked the scene and have rewtached it a few times. So what the hell. Maybe I just like watching Rajiv khandelwal having romantic tension with his leading ladies. Rajveer is such a green flag guy. Maybe that's why we all shipped them and ignored the problematic aspects. But maybe audiences of the 2000s didn't really hyper focus on these kind of issues. It was after all a different time. Another relationship that irked me in the same way was abhimanyu and naina. When abhimanyu was introduced he did seem like he was kind of flirting with naina. I felt it a few times. It seemed like he took a special interest in her for sure. One reason might have been that she is naveens sister and I accept that he might have been looking after her but u have to agree with me after seeing the towel punishment scene. The way he interacts with naina when he met her on the stairs and the way he turned around to say thank you for smiling, made me shout wth are u doing Chauhan saab. You don't look at someone u consider a sister with those kind of eyes. Maybe I'm reading too much into it. But idk it felt odd. It did feel like the writers were still figuring out what to do with this duo. Should they be love interests and make a love triangle with rajveer and then a quadrangle with huda or should they just have kind of brother sister relationship. And it's good that they went for the guardian route for abhimanyu. Cause then the quadrangle would have been too much. (Idk why people keep falling for naina) also Gaurav chopra was just giving the best hugs in the show. It LOOKED warm from my phone. Even the relationship between dr. Shaliini and yudi. Omg wth were the writers thinking. Why was this needed. Why do we keep pushing the boundaries so much when it comes to these forbidden relationships. I can atleast understand naina and rajveer thing because naina is the revenge driven female lead and rajveer is the best friend and guardian, ofcourse thw writers wanted to get them together but why do we another couple doing outrageous things like this. Anyways, it's good that the writers were self aware and they didn't do another teacher student relationship again in the show or atleast I think they didn't. I stopped watching it after rajveer died. Thank you for reading this if u got till here.2
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