• Just happened to see Lovely Lolla (Youtube Drama by Dreamiyata) and here’s my opinion nobody asked for.

    I loved the concept! It is fresh (in terms of Indian content) and they’ve openly stated that they are trying to take inspiration from Pakistani Dramas. Now! I am an avid Pakistani Dramas fan and I have watched mosttttt of their major dramas. Dreamiyata has managed to make it look classy and catchy. Talking about actors, while everything and everyone was fine, I cringed hard when Gauahar Khan appeared on my screen. Gauahar Khan as a model is fantastic, but she genuinely can’t act. Here is a tiny example of what I mean. However, Isha Malviya on the other hand has nailed it. From her dialogue delivery to her expressions, everything holds the scene together. Gauahar looks lost, and cannot hold the scene while someone else is speaking their dialogue. Overall, I will watch the drama, but I will either fast forward or skip Gauahar’s part. (I am not a Gauahar hater, I was infact one of the voters for her during her Bigg Boss stint, I loved her ever since, but the pill hard to swallow is, she can’t act to save her life!)

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