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Female Character who almost done Immoral Things...
Many time we pointed out every wrong done by Male Character but at the same time choose to ignore female one... 1. Ruhi yrkkh... Untill current episode she never disclosed to her husband Rohit that she run away to get married to Armaan in his marriage days and confress her love to him and offer to carry Armaan child... Till date she never confress that without telling him her whole truth she just Slept with him.. ( he is still in dark ) ... Isn't it comes under Rape....just because she is famale and carrying in every episode... We never pointed out this thing... How much this is right of having physical relationship with anyone without telling him her whole truth... Forget whole and not ever little bit..... 2. In Uttaran .... Tapasaya who is legal wife of Veer ....have physical relationship with him after giving him drug of something..... without his consent.... Isn't it this also come under Rape... How come this thing is not called out for women but at the same time called out for Man.. Their are male character who called out for the same.. 1. Vanraj sha... He has physical relationship with Anupamaa so that he can stop her going to America ( they showed that they don't have a physical relationship anymore before that incident ) and at the same time having affair outside... For this many fans called out it's to be rape.. 2. Katha Ankhahi si... Even in that ML ask for sexual relationship with him when FL is his employer ... Here also manu People pointed out how he is almost equal to rapist.. So why things no apply for female character like Ruhi, Tapasaya and many more... Let me others... Is it ok because they are women or because people still believe in that women can't do rape ???1
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