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chirag mittal sucks!
My blood boils whenever this man is onscreen,he is so damn infuriating,who tf even made him a doctor? Dude is dumb af. Like dipika is literally addressing the man he thought she was having an ema with as "bhaiya",he saw siddhart with his wife,D time nd again asked him to get a dna test done so his doubt can be cleared but he still ain't ready to budge. "apne mera dil toda,mujhe dhoka diya,aap aisi hai,aap waisi hai" LIKE BRO SHUT UP,JUST SHUT TF UP. So blinded by his own misunderstandings nd his bestfriend's made up lies,he made others and even himself go through sm pain nd loneliness. Can't wait to see him grovelling on his knees for her forgiveness and she shouldn't forgive him so easily for the sake of her own self respect. Ajeeb jaahil admi.3
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