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Chirag is getting out of hands
Yeah, why hasn’t someone slapped him yet? DKTPH is nothing like its name. Kisi ko kisi se pyaar nahi hua is show me. Recent episodes have been so annoying! Show is going off air in mid Feb and they are still going in circles. Chirag is as clueless as ever, Deepika is still a doormat and with everyone else, the same saga of 1 step forward 10 steps back going on. Even Chirag’s mom is worthless, she is the worst ally to have on your side. Useless! Instead of trying to close loop they are adding more issues. No idea what the creatives are smoking! Looking back I feel, Chirag never loved Deepika. He had some weird saviour’s complex. Despite all his follies, he was at least not physically manhandling her, but in recent most episode even that is gone. I will take a Raman Bhalla over a Chirag Mittal any day. He belong to r/NiceGuys.1
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