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So, I might have avoided a scam from the Amazon delivery guys after all! The puzzle finally makes sense!
In the past 16 hours, many have read my posts and there have been some pieces of the puzzle that just didn't fit. 1. Why deliver a fraud package and not mark it as delivered? 2. Why come back with the supposedly right item, but in packaging that's clearly tampered and not the one in which Amazon ships the package? 3. Why insist I take the unmarked, tampered package? This scam just didn't make any sense! It's a scam, but how? What are they getting? Well, going through other posts across subs gave me the clue needed to solve the puzzle. Read this: Now it makes sense! Maybe, all they needed was a bit more time, and that's why they delivered that fraud package first and buy more time to tamper with the mobile inside and repack it, or maybe this is their ruse to make the customers accept a tampered package. First delivery something else, and then bring the other package and let the customer check it. That's the only way it all makes sense! Why would they risk being caught otherwise? Why would they insist I open and check the package? They want me to accept it so that Amazon doesn't get to know there was a problem. And my risk is that if I accepted that tampered parcel, I would be in breach of their terms for delivery as I accepted a tampered parcel, complicating any problems that might happen later. I hope this post will make it clear for others about this potential, sophisticated scam, and seriously, read the terms and conditions that these companies provide as they seem to change too. Don't assume, don't trust. Follow the company policies. Era of trust and faith in each other seems to have faded.3
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