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I believe my set of life choices in KGP have put me into a very poor state when it comes to dating.
Hear me out, this is not just some shitpost, I am writing my true feelings here. So the point is that I come from a kinda traditional upbringing (not allowed to go out with friends, like never; also dating was obviously the wost thing I could do as a kid which is honestly fine as in I can see where they came from and I'd prolly not be in KGP if I were crying over some girl) and after coming to KGP I developed some life skills (like actually being able to shake off that awkwardness and talking to random dadas to negotiate things) and even went to the Deer park outside campus (see, if I consider this a big win, baaki samajh lo)} So the point is I've been thinking about dating for about a year now but I am pretty physically unattractive when it comes to that. Also I don't seem to be able to find the girl with the qualities I want - decent-looking (yeah you don't need to be extra glam supermodel-looking lol), ambitious, kinda doing stuff with their life, has hobbies etc. Even if I find them I see that they love partying (as in drinking and smoking). While I am personally not against other people doing those and actually even accompany people to parties, for me it's a very very hard line that I do not cross, ever. So while I am open to pursuing someone who drinks (not smokes), I believe it might create an insurmountable difference in lifestyle. I believe this is impacting my dating chances even more on top of looking like a fat fuck, since I'm not able to bond with groups / make friendships over alc and cigs. Also before you tell me go find a hobby/bond over shared interests, most of the societies I am in (or got in very late) have almost no girls (MaLe DoMiNaTeD FiElDs) or girls who all have boyfriends. Thanks for listening to my rant, I pray whoever read the full post gets married to the partner of their dreams. Meanwhile I've slowly come to accept that I'll probably be single forever and by writing this post I promise you that if that happens, I am gonna be the best ever, most machau, most inspiring, best human-being, most interesting, perpetually single person you all will have ever seen.2
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