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Today is a non-stop rollercoaster of feelings
So as the title is saying today is one of that very few days which i can never forget in my life like literally and one of the reason for that is " Today I got two interviews schedule one after another after 6 months of constant applying" and then there was some normal house work i had to take my sister to hospital for a check up and there "I met the younger brother of my Ex, yes actually and we did some hi hello chit chat nd he asked me what i am doing and I told him , I was working in a software company and now I'm working as freelancer(not really) and I'm hundred percent sure he will tell this in his family on dinner or in conversations and even if my Ex has forgot me she will regret betraying me(yes it matters for her ,who earns how much) and I'm just soo happy this happened its just like "Thukra ke mera pyaar kind of scene" I was never stuck in past but there was this hook of telling her I'm doing much better than when she had left me was holding some part of me in past and now I'm just free like I just cant describe it. BTW: My interviews didn't go well because in one they had schedule the call without reading my resume properly and in other one i made a blunder in the end and interview ended badly. But now I'm really free and after 6 years i want to make new friends , go out and really live my life.2
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