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Rant about our city's infrastructure and where's it's headed
Maybe it's my work stress or the traffic, but I'm really pissed about how our city is following the same path every indian city has till now. **Rapid Immigration and Development Leads to Poor City Planning** Don't get me wrong, development is a good thing, but our government can't keep up with the such sudden development. Most developed cities of the world developed over decades if not centuries. Just take west hyderabad for example. Places like Kompally, Miyapur, Tellapur. They are booming with 40 floored gated communties. What happens in the nearby future? The fucking roads will give up. If there are 10 40 floor 3-4 block buildings on the same 2 lane road, how the fuck will everyone ( Anyone who buys a 1cr+ flat will have alteast a car, if not two) fit on that road????? Solution: BUILD MORE FLYOVERS YAYYYY **No proper common amenities** This is just not there on the policy makers' minds. They roam in their fancy cars and shit and dont care about stuff like **FOOTPATHS, BIKE LANES, PARKS** (ok if we forget bike lanes, this city is in dire need of the other two) **We are seeing growth but not development.** **Sewage system** THERE DOESNT EXIST ONE. WE USE OR LAKES TO TRANSPORT OUR SEWAGE??? CLEAN THEM WHEN THERE ARE ELECTIONS AND THEN FORGET. Building 10000 malls and 50000 cafes doesn't make us closer to America. Actually developing the city from the grass roots will. istg idk when tf will the govt realise this. if we dont, we'll become another Bengaluru with a traffic problem, another Mumbai with extremely inflated real estate market, another Delhi with cancer causing AQI. just a rant dont take it personally. i know we are still a developing country and it's not fair to compare to a country with 150 years of prosperity. just wanted to rant about how our cities are developing <32
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