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Feeling very homesick after visiting Hyderabad after 5 years
Me and my family moved to Australia when I was about 10 years old. I've lived more than half of my life in Australia by this point but I've always kept a close relationship with my family in india and with my identity as hyderabadi. We don't get to visit too often as the plane tickets are quite expensive so we come about every 5 years. It's been great to see the development and evolution of hyderabad, how its modernising and changing. I just recently came back to Australia last week after being in hyderabad for 2 months with my family. This was one of the if not the best two months of my life. We were staying at my grandmas house and had cousins and relatives come over often. We played games, went out, I got to experience hyderabad traffic first hand as I learned how to ride a scooter. I was going out whenever I felt like, exploring the city, eating all my favorite items that you can't find in Australia. Had an amazing time with family, went to a wedding, visited iconic places with cousins and family. Overall just had an unforgettable experience. My grandma's house felt more like home than any place I've lived at in Australia for the past decade. The 2 months felt like they lasted so long yet also so quick. The sense of family, the hustle and bustle of hyderabad, the randomness, the convenience, everything was making me so happy. Now I've finally come back to Australia and I just feel....sad. I miss my grandparents, my cousins, the life that exists in Hyderabad. Before leaving to go to India 2 mo the ago, I felt indifferent living in Australia, but now that I'm back, everything is just so quiet, grey, gloomy. I can't sleep properly, I feel constantly sick, like nauseous, I feel homesick. I miss the warmth of family, the food and convenience. As I've been getting older, I've been emotionally maturing too and this trip made me realise that family really is everything and that no matter how fancy these western countries might be, there's really no place like home. Idk how to deal with these negative emotions I'm feeling. I just feel so lonely and sick. Hopefully this feeling goes away soon4
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