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Building a cafe! Want inputs on what experiences you'd like. Let's give hyderabad what it wants!
EDIT : Since all of you have been such a lovely audience, helping me brainstorm, I'm going to add a small corner, citing everyone who helped create the vibe! Each idea we implement from here will have a name right beside it! TLDR : rich friend wants to build cafe. Wants input on what the people of hyderabad are looking for in terms of experiences in the cafe. Question : if you could bring any of your wishes for the cafe to life, what kind of ideas would you be ready to go to repeatedly. What are the traits of a cafe, that make you want to visit it again Context: dude just came back from Dubai with a shit ton of money. Wants to build a cafe in banjara. Plot already ready. Good aesthetics like Sobremasa. Coffee from Tru black. He wants it to be an experience cafe and is looking for what the city Wants in terms of events or attractions in the cafe. I've told him things like pet space and music rooms. What would you guys like?5
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