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Breakup with the girl who is my everything
Hi nice people, This post is about my breakup story, and I'm also seeking some suggestions. Please read to the end of the post, as I need to set the context for the questions first. Background I was in a relationship with a girl (let's call her Shreya) for 3.5 years. I loved her deeply. To me, she was the most beautiful girl, and the peace I found with her was divine. Around her, I could be myself—I didn't need to worry about what I was wearing or how I looked; I felt very comfortable. However, we had many incompatibilities which led to weekly arguments. She was a fearful girl who liked to run away from problems. During arguments, she would often go silent if I tried to ask her questions, and she wouldn't initiate conversations later to fix things. For her, the relationship was everything, and she feared losing me. She wasn't very rational, but rather spontaneous. On the other hand, I am the type of person who likes to talk things out and fix them, and I make rational decisions for impactful opportunities. We were both stubborn in our approaches. Due to broken communication, as she didn't express her thoughts properly and avoided problems and arguments, we couldn't fix this in 3.5 years. Still, I stayed in the relationship because I had promised to be by her side forever. She wanted to pursue higher studies, but her graduation and 12th percentages weren't good enough to get a loan. I convinced her to let me pay her college fees, which she could return to me later when she got a job. Beginning of the Challenge I sent her the fees for the last semester 2 months before it started, upon her request. Just before the start of the last semester, she told me that the fees she had paid weren't reflected in the ERP, and we would have to repay the amount. Later, the surplus amount would be returned, otherwise, she would have to pay a fine. I was furious with her college's management and proposed to talk to them and sort it out. She was reluctant to let me talk, stating that if we went against the management, she would be targeted. After much requesting, I told her that I would call the college management tomorrow at 12, and if she could sort it out before then, all the better. The next day, she told me that it was sorted before 12. Now, they won't charge us the penalty for the late fees. Later that day, indirectly she told me that if we don't pay the fees, the results for the second last semester won't be visible, and if she has failed, she won't be able to apply for supplementary exams on time. As a result, she would have to wait for one more year to graduate. I agreed and sent her the amount. The Truth Unveiled After 2 days of transferring her the amount a second time, I asked her for the receipt of fees payment, which she couldn't present. She avoided this conversation for 2 days. Finally, I confronted her and asked her to send the screenshot of ERP where we can see that fees are paid. She didn't present me with any proof. After being too frustrated by her behavior of avoiding the conversation and not presenting the proof, I broke up with her (which we did every month). The next day she told me that she didn't pay the fees the first time, and someone had been blackmailing her for the last 2 months with videos of her with her ex (I knew about her ex from before). She got scared and didn't tell me, fearing that I might take actions that could anger the blackmailer and lead to the videos being leaked. She transferred the amount I sent her for the fees the first time to this blackmailer. I asked for proof of chat, bank statements—anything that showed she got blackmailed. She said she deleted everything out of fear. She also mentioned that, out of stress, she attempted suicide multiple times during the last 2 months. I decided to break up with her for real and didn't ask much for the proofs, as this was enough reason for me to not be in this relationship. It's been 2 months, and I broke up for real this time. Post-Breakup She tried everything to get me back. She sent the amount back that I sent her the second time, and apparently, she hasn't paid her fees for the last semester. She sent me a lot of cute gifts which I haven't opened yet. She still keeps contacting me, even after blocking her, to get back with her. Seeking Your Help She is requesting help to pay the last semester fees as she is unable to arrange money from anywhere else, promising to return it after 10 days as her dad will get some amount in his business. I denied her, but I am not feeling good about it. She was the person I loved more than myself, and seeing her in this state breaks me. I am unable to convince myself even to help her again. Please help me with what I should do. What should I do with the gifts that she has sent me? I haven't opened those for 2 months, nor can I part away with them. The gifts are some cute panda figurines which will remind me of her, and I am very scared to even open them. Thanks for sticking till the end of the post. Your suggestions would help me a lot. Note: I skipped a lot of details as the post already got quite long.3
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