Dev temple of Aurangabad Bihar According to oral tradition, Lord Vishwakarma built the Deo Sun Temple in one night. A gupta-era inscription dated 642 CE talks about sun worshiping, but it does not mention the Deo Sun Temple directly. However, some inscriptions and local oral traditions do hint at the presence of temple around the 7th or 8th century CE.[3][4] Its written history can be traced back to the pala and senua periods, with an inscription from 1437 documenting the dedication of the template by King Bhairavendra. The inscription also lists twelve of King... 4 0 replies
How to look at a vigraha? Hello everyone, I often visit temples but I enjoy them in a more aesthetic sense, like admiring the architecture. I do not feel anything looking at a vigraha. To me, they are just statues. I understand they are consecrated with mantras and the deity reside in them. But this is just an intellectual understanding. I have never been emotionally moved looking at a vigraha as I see so many people are. I have experienced brief moments of devotion at times, but mostly at home and usually when I am... 4 2 replies
Nataraja idol in home is not recommended? I was advised not to keep a small 2 inch brass natraja idol in my puja room. I was told that special poojas need to be conducted everyday if i keep it. I do Pooja's only once in a while. Can I still keep the idol? Was is generally said? 3 2 replies
A song by Sri Ramdulal describing how the non dual brahman is perceived by different people differently 1 1 replies
Ramayana The Legend of Prince Ram is finally releasing on 24th of January Ramayana The Legend of Prince Ram is finally releasing on 24th of January 3 4 replies
Prayers when health is at risk? Jai Siya Ram everyone. I find out sometime this week or next week if something is wrong with my heart. It’s been a very tough last 2-3 weeks, and I keep thinking about death and how my family will feel if something is wrong. How I have not done anything significant in life and if something bad were to happen, the after state that would be. I even skipped a day of shower today, and don’t feel like doing anything. How can I pray for good health and hope... 3 2 replies
The truth about Hindu Gods. I BEG YOU TO READ! **It's a bit long but I promise it will be worth it🙏** A few years ago, I stumbled upon demonology and Demonolatry. I didn't practice it but was really fascinated by it so I dug deeper and deeper. Read books, and studied a lot about it. Read about different demons, their origins etc. At first, I just observed the similarities in the ways people connected with these demons—through meditation, rituals, and focused worship, exactly the same as hinduism. At that point, I thought, "Are all Hindu gods actually demons?".... 4 11 replies
Initiation in North America Any place to get initiated/find a guru? I wanna get into shiva mantras, wondering if I can get deeksha. And if there is nath sampradaya there 2 3 replies
What does this mean? Spiritual context What does it mean when I hear chanting of mantras even though no one was chanting inside home? I went to my neighbors home and I heard someone say “ommmm” and another phrase ending in “namaha”. I left thinking they are doing their daily prayer and came back 20 mins later to find that they have been on a meeting and sending messages with time stamps. At the time I heard it. The diya wasn’t lit, pooja for the day was already done. No body in the home was... 3 2 replies
Here is slap to those who accuse hindus of idol worshiping I quote two verses by Bhagavan Raman Maharishi : 1. O you that ridicule idol-worship, having not discovered through heart-melting love its secret, how is that you [daily] worship the filthy idol of your body as ‘I’? 2. mistake a body as Self, and to treat it accordingly, is also a form of idol worship. Indeed to treat and love a body as ‘I’ is the primal mistake which leads to all other forms of idol worship. If one first roots out and destroys the ‘I am the body’... 5 8 replies
diya going out early hello everybody, i'm fairly new to hinduism and started offering deepam daily as of late. things have been going pretty smoothly up until around yesterday when my diya started going out much earlier than it should. from my own research i concluded that this shouldn't mean anything and that i should just relight it, so that's what i've been doing, but i've had to repeat making wicks and lighting again up to three times in a row before it finally would stay lit for longer than ten minutes. it... 5 1 replies
Futility of Jati based surnames A lot of Hindu surnames are derived from Jati. Jatis are associated with specific occupations. But in today’s society many people using those occupation based surnames are not engaged in the said occupation. A Jati surname was used to identify what a person does for a living. Shouldn’t we bring back the original usage of Jati ? 4 11 replies
Deep understanding of sorrow/suffering - An Advaita Vedantic perspective | Swami Sarvapriyananda Deep understanding of sorrow/suffering - An Advaita Vedantic perspective | Swami Sarvapriyananda 4 1 replies
Brahmamuhurtha Pooja no positive results I have been waking up at 4:15 in the morning and doing the pooja before 6:30 for the past 1 year. But all of the sudden, i am facing more problems in my life especially financial tightness. Can I continue this? Also, in the meantime I did Lakshmi Kubera Pooja for 48 days this Dec. Till now I didn’t get any results. 2 13 replies