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why is everything so messed up to the point it is practically unfixable . for example , plastic is bad for environment, but there just is no other material that can replace it for it's high usability. So this means, Bhagwan who created this world,made nothing but only plastic usable which is harmful
this thinking is causing me lot of trouble living peacefully, how can i live ignoring all the suffering animals and others beings are going through. How did Bhagwan created such world, and let's say if Maya created it. Then Bhagwan has all the infinite powers to fix it, to remove all bad things and sufferings. So why is Bhagwan not doing it. Like, for example. Plastic is such so harmful for environment. But in this Kaliyuga , life and world without use of plastic is impossible to imagine, let alone apply it practically. Everything needs verily plastics. So the most useful item created in this World of Bhagwan is also the most harmful. Plastic doesn't burn away , it produces harmful poisonous gases when burn. Plastic is non degradable, so it pollutes environment and causes trouble to sea animals, land animals and even birds too. And to us human beings too. Yet there is just no other alternative option other than plastic. So the most useful item in world is the most harmful. Say , if we are here to help animals and environment. Then too , how much are we achieving? I am Vegan. I try to protect animals when i can. I really have a desire to join or volunteer for a Vegan Animal Rescue Organisation , after i earn enough money to support them and help them volunteering. But just see, how many can i save? Even if i save 200 cows, birds, pigs, horses and other animals. Practically there are thousands suffering at hand of bad people. Yet Bhagwan makes it easy for people killing animals for food , and not easy for people who want to save and protect animals. now i will tell you a secretive divine thing. I do practice Tantra, and have seen power of Tantra and Devataas myself. I once stumbled on a Mantra which by which i can stop a sword or any weapon used to kill animals. Our ancient Siddhas used to stop weapons or swords during animal slaughter since early times. But even then , how many places and shops or animal slaughters can i go and use this mantra to stop killing? This is the job of Devataas to do, even if use the power of this powerful mantra, how many animals will i even save? So Devataas can make a mantra work, but not come protect the animals. But instead, i am having a guilt of calling myself Devotee of Shiva and Parvati and of Devataas, and not using this powerful mantra to protect animals. But then what? where will i take those animals? where will i keep them? where will i feed and protect them? This guilt is causing me so much mental distress , especially after seeing and using various other mantras myself, i am not able to use mantras to actually help those in needs. I pray Bhagwan ji everyday to protect the cows, the pigs, the horses, the birds, the nature and other animals. Yet all i see everyday is more suffering and my absolute inability to protect and help those animals and nature. When i see the absolute state of Ganga Mata, Yamuna Mata and Prithivi (land) it literally gives me anxiety and depression, like i genuinely feel like completely helpless to save my worshipped Land and River Devataas from getting absolutely polluted and littered. and not saying it metaphorically or just to show off my concern. this things have genuinely been affecting me mentally and physically too, i remember 3 years ago i stopped even eating food properly and not going outside my house, and only worshipping in my Puja room to ward off these thoughts. But then i recovered from this weird depression phase. now after 3 years i am okay , but still seeing this depresses me mentally a lot , the only difference is now i try to brush it off because there is absolutely nothing i can do fix these issues. so why is Bhagwan doing the absolute of nothing to fix or even show path to people. Why our Rishi and Guru Devataas are seeing this absolute demise and degradation of the Prithivi Mata yet sitting silent.1
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