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Why are ALL dharmashastras so misogynist and casteist
Why are all the dharma shastras so violently casteist and misogynist? Not asking out of spite but I recently read the Yajnavalkya smriti, as an alternative to Manu Smriti, and it was almost as violent and patriarchal. Women are restricted within their homes (pg 101,177,or in Manu 5.148) and polygamy is allowed (1pg 78). And most importantly, Sati is glorified in Vishnu smriti! []( Only I think Adi Shankara bowed to a Chandala on one instance, but he quoted a dharmashastra in a Gita commentary without any problem? My question is, I do not get such impressions after reading the Upanishads and the Vedas, then why is it that an overwhelming majority of our "sages" seem to defy the Vedas when it comes to role of women (in Yajurveda women are even called upon engaging in battle, and in Rigveda they are to be never discriminated again, with one example of a warrior being a women) or when it comes to varnas?5
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