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What do Hindus think of temple priests?
Ok, wassup everybody! 🤗 here’s a question for all you Hindus out there. Hmmm. Ok, so Hindu priests, those people who work in the temples, conduct prayers, honor the Gods, etc etc, weddings, etc. as Hindus, what do you think of them? Christianity has pastors, which go to churches, lead congregations in spiritual teachings, counsel people, take care of the church, visit the sick, etc. I was on the road to being a pastor, that was my calling, I was the most disciplined and spiritual person within my congregations, I only thought about God, how to please God, and bring people to God. God was my role model, and I strove to be like Him (Jesus of course, or jehovah) I read the Christian scriptures 4 hours everyday, scrutinizing every single detail, prayed for 4 hours a day, meditated two hours a day. Memorized scripture, etc etc. yup, I was a monk. Anyways, and then I realized what bullshit a job a Christian pastor has! Christian pastors are not spiritual! You go to school for 6 years, are brainwashed with what to say and when to say it, you must follow every single doctrine of the denomination you are teaching in, if you doubt, your fired or confronted by the so called “wise people.” So my religion changed, I was looking across Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, and boom, guess what!? Hinduism was paradise! Yay! Not only was I in love with the Gods, not only could I respect all Gods, not only, not only, not only… anyways, there are so many good things about Hinduism but I could probably write 20-30 pages about that. Anyways, so I found Hinduism. Now what did I want to do with my life? I could be a farmer, a homesteader, a yogi (well, not in America that well), a business owner, an opera singer, a homeopath, a truck driver, a counselor, a Bible translator… ok so there were like seven to eight jobs I was thinking about over the past several months. But in my heart, amidst contemplation, I knew I could only ever be satisfied serving and worshipping the Gods. So I said to myself, I will be a Hindu priest! Haha, genius man. I relayed this to my parents, and their like, oh my, he’s turned out to be a worshipper of demons, a destroyer of souls, the most wicked of professions in the world is what he desires. The most hated, ungodly, detestable, ugly, frowned upon, etc etc. So I’m like, really? My goal is to follow dharma and teach ancient wisdom and Bhakti toward God, and this is how I’m treated? So here is my question again. If I become a Hindu priest, how will I be treated? What if I’m white? Does that matter? Let’s say I spend 5-10 years learning mantras, prayers, Sanskrit wisdom, honing my mind, meditating on virtue, etc etc, becoming spiritual basically. How much do Hindus desire priests? How are priests treated? Because if I know one thing, this is it, all the Christian’s are going be mocking me if I choose to stand out as a Hindu.2
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