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Transcending dualistic perception
Title of image: Brahman priest with a musical shell and a bell, being used at a religious ceremony, Calcutta, West Bengal. Coloured etching by François Balthazar Solvyns, 1799. Hindu philosophy has influenced various areas of knowledge and spirituality. One of its central concepts is nondualism, especially prominent in the Advaita Vedānta school. In non-dualism, or "Advaita" the fundamental unity of reality is upheld. According to this perspective, only Brahman is real, and the phenomenal world is an illusory manifestation (maya) of Brahman. The individual (Atman) and Brahman are not separate entities; rather, they are one and the same reality. This understanding seeks to transcend the dualistic perception of the world, where subject and object are distinguished, in order to recognize an underlying unity in all things. Gaudapada, a prominent philosopher of this school, argued that pure consciousness is innate and that duality is a mental construct. Through practices such as "Asparsa Yoga" one aims to control the mind and recognize the non-duality of existence. Āsparśa Yoga, one of the philosophical practices derived from Advaita Vedānta, was developed by Gaudapada. The term āsparśa means "without contact," referring to a state of consciousness in which the mind does not cling to dualities or sensory impressions. According to Gaudapada, the phenomenal reality is an illusion (maya), and the perception of separation between subject and object is merely a mental construct. The goal of Āsparśa Yoga is to free consciousness from this illusion and experience the primordial unity with Brahman. To achieve this, techniques of deep meditation, inner silence, and detachment from the sensory world are used, seeking to bring the mind into a state of absolute stillness (nirvikalpa), free from conceptualization and duality. In this process, sound and vibration play a fundamental role. In the Vedic tradition, it is believed that the universe was created from the primordial sound (Nāda Brahman), and the practice of mantras such as "Om" serves as a means to attune oneself to this transcendental reality. Solfeggio frequencies are a series of tones that, according to some traditions, possess healing and balancing properties. Their origin dates back to the 11th century when the Benedictine monk Guido d'Arezzo developed a musical scale of six notes: Ut, Re, Mi, Fa, Sol, and La. These notes were associated with the Latin hymn "Ut queant laxis," used to teach Gregorian chant: Ut queant laxis Resonare fibris Mira gestorum Famuli tuorum, Solve polluti Labii reatum, Sancte Ioannes. — So that your servants May sing with free voices The wonders Of your deeds, Cleanse the guilt From our impure lips, O Saint John. — C - Do - Ut - Ut queant laxis D - Re - Resonare fibris E - Mi - Mira gestorum F - Fa - Famuli tuorum G - Sol - Solve polluti A - La - Labii reatum B - Si - Sancte Ioannes These frequencies are a series of specific tones believed to harmonize the mind and body, fostering elevated states of consciousness. Although their origin is Western, the idea that sound vibration can influence the perception of reality has parallels with ancient teachings. In Āsparśa Yoga, the key to transcending duality is silencing the mental fluctuations (vrittis) that generate the illusion of separation. The meditative use of Solfeggio frequencies can aid in this purpose by inducing states of deep introspection and alignment with primordial unity. During the practice of Āsparśa Yoga, conscious listening to these frequencies can serve as a bridge between the phenomenal world and ultimate reality. Sound vibration acts as a constant reminder that everything in the universe is a manifestation of the same fundamental energy, facilitating the direct perception of non-duality. I immersed myself in experimenting through the creation of sound pieces! If you would like to hear what this inspiration of divine union sounds like at the 528Hz frequency, I would love to hear how these vibrations resonate with you!
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